I’m not sure of the campaign strategy involved in what you’re about to see. It appears to me to be not well thought out and that’s putting it mildly. Donald Trump lives in an alternate reality, yes we know. But even there, one would think there would be some form of guidelines and guardrails about what to say and what not to say.

Trump is obsessed with the economy right now, which he should be as the Dow hits new highs and the GDP is so much higher than it ever was when he was in office. But success doesn’t set well with the MAGA mindset. Only gloom and doom does. You well remember his dismal Inauguration speech in 2017, which was so negative and dark that even Dubya quipped, “That was some strange shit.” You thought that was out of place, George? Hold my beer.

Trump has zero interest in America. He simply has no other way to make money now, other than politics. But ironically, the fact that he’s gotten into politics is what’s dooming him. Had he stayed a private citizen he could have gotten away with stealing the rest of his life. But he didn’t, and so because the level of scrutiny is so much higher for a politician (especially one running for president) and a private citizen, Trump can’t simply buy off the local D.A. It’s all on a different plane now.

And his former allies are leaving him in droves. This is almost comical to watch.

And this is classic. John Bolton turned against Trump a while back and he never fails to amuse.

I think there should be a new form of psychosis named after Trump. It’s a combination of narcissism, dementia, and self-obsession. Trump-a-phrenia? Don-a-scosis? Feel free to pitch right in and coin something, we have plenty of time until November. Maybe we can design a board game like Monopoly and show Trump losing all the hotels, houses, cash, the whole enchilada. Here’s another Lincoln Project jewel.

Never forget for a moment that Trump’s self worth is directly connected to his net worth. Once MAGA finds out how broke he is, there will be hell to pay. It can’t happen soon enough. As Roberta Kaplan said in her closing argument, “While Donald Trump may not care about the law, while he certainly doesn’t care about the truth, he does care about money.” Amen. That is Trump’s religion, money. And now he’s about to lose it all.

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  1. He should view what happened to Mussollini when the Italians fell to the allies…ugly but justified. To hell with this nazi AND ALL WHO SUPPORT THIS EVIL ASSHOLE!!!


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