Remember how Ed Sullivan used to intone, “and next week, we’ve got a really big shoe?” Trump is also talking about “shoebiz” and it’s not a quirky accent, he’s put it in writing — on Twitter, of course.

MSNBC host Donny Deutsch has now joined the ranks of the “little” men of Trump world, where he’s in good company with Sadiq Khan, Bob Corker and Adam Schiff — who is also a “pencil neck” which is Trump-speak for, “This guy is smarter than hell and scares the p*ss out of me.”

Now, Donny Deutsch is undoubtedly jumping up and down, as did Michael Wolff, when he also piqued Trump with inconvenient truths, and he went bats*t and lashed out, causing Wolff’s book to rise to number one on the bestseller list. Deutsch has a new show on Saturday night and this only spikes the ratings, but Trump is evidently too dense to grok that. How many more times he will repeat this performance before it sinks in that he’s helping his foes, and they’re laughing all the way to the bank, is anybody’s guess.

Trump was reacting to the slings and arrows that Donny Deutsch sent his way recently, when Deutsch suggested a “re-brand” of the word impeachment to “criminal activity.” Deutsch said that would take away the binary choice, to impeach or not to impeach. He suggested that “Trump criminal investigations” be the new mantra, because impeachment is “a losing word” — and that even Trump called it a “disgusting” word. Deutsch said that the Trump criminal investigations would be “about taxes, it’ll be about the southern district…Mueller said, he obstructed justice,” and so forth.

Deutsch’s argument made a lot of sense. He was merely suggesting putting a different label on the same category of information and that evidently is where he intends to go with his new show “Saturday Night Politics.” Marketing is everything. I can tell you from personal experience that a change of headline can be the difference between a piece tanking and doing well. Deutsch may have a real point here.

And apparently Trump thinks so, too. My take on this is that Deutsch struck a raw nerve with Trump and that’s why he woke up in a hyper-defensive and self-righteous mode  — and nobody is more ridiculous than Donald Trump when he starts whining. So much whining. You’re going to get tired of whining.

If President Obama manufactured crises at the border and got his own party lathered up and foaming, he would have been disgraced (not that Trump’s not) and he would have stepped down. If President Obama p*ssed off Mexico so badly that it stopped buying farm products from the US and entered a trade deal with Argentina, and then got into a tariff war with China, causing them to go do business with the Russians, he would have been run out of town on a rail. But let’s just stay focused on the economy here, for another moment. Trump wants to be lauded for the economy and here are the cold, hard figures.

I am so sick of Trump’s deceptions and lies and GOP complicity I could scream. But it looks like all this may be coming back to bite him in the ass. Finally.

Friday morning the Labor Department released a jobs report, which shows a marked slowdown in the number of new jobs created, only 75,000. Also, businesses are cautious about spending capital right now, because of Trump’s tariff threats to China. So that’s creating a softening in another sector of the economy. The Federal Reserve is monitoring this and there may be a cut in interest rates coming. The Wall Street Journal reports  that government bond yields plunged recently and those are tight securities. If conservative investments are not solid, then that indicates that the economic picture is not as sound as it looks, let alone this “best economy in history” blather that Trump goes on about.

Far be it from me to hope that the economy craters, but I fear that the only way that people in this country are going to wake up is when they’re hurting, unfortunately. Same old cycle, different year. A Republican president goes in and screws up the country and then a Democrat goes in to clean up the mess. Let’s pray that happens sooner rather than later. We can’t take another four years of this bum — or we might be might be looking at bread lines and tents. I rule out nothing with this clown in office.


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  1. IMO, it is quite possible that those people who continue to stand for this egregious criminal occupying the WH may very well have to stand in breadlines, give up their children to foster care while they themselves live in tents, IF they’re lucky, before they will remotely accept that their “hero” screwed them to the max. The koolaide they drank, unlike Jones’es, is not immediate death but slow loss of all that is dear. THEN perhaps they’ll get it.

    • You know, I can’t disagree with you, but think about this: what we are saying here is frightening. I occasionally listen to what the low-information, no-information people say, (only because I can’t avoid it if I’m in public) and there’s this vague approval of Trump, based upon impressions from TV and zero hard information. They don’t deal with facts, but facts will deal with them, as well you know. We have already lost trade markets that we may never get back. This Celebrity Apprentice presidency has cost us dearly — and I guess these fools won’t wake up to that fact until it’s too late.

      It’s tragic, because their children and their children’s children are affected. I honestly wonder if people who are in a coma will listen to those of us who are awake and tracking this. I fear not. Prior to November, 2016, I had a very different opinion of who and what this country is. Now, I fear the worst and I don’t believe I’m being an alarmist.

      • I’d guess that a lot of them get most of their information about the country and the world from Fox – their information on their own area is possibly less biased toward sensational rumors.

  2. I’m all for a national holiday about Trump – celebrating the day he gets his ass tossed out of Office! It can be called LOSER Trump Day, as being branded a loser would be more humiliating for Trump than being proven t have the short, mushroom headed dick Stormy Daniels claimed he has.

    • This is good thinking, Denis. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we can kick him out November 3, 2020 — and then celebrate that day afterwards? It could be a second 4th of July. Sane Government Day, we could call it –unless you have a better title. Or No Trump Day, that would be good too. I’m in.

      • You have a good name for this holiday? And how we should celebrate? I say we take a cue from the Mexicans and smash Trump pinatas and then throw tequila bottles at a Trump billboard. Or, here’s another thought (which actually has already been suggested many times) — how about it be Ignore Trump Day. On that day, nobody would tweet about him, answer one of his tweets, post a piece, nothing. He would be completely irrelevant for that 24 hours. That might be a better tack to take. Because a narcissist wants attention, even negative. So starving him for attention might be the best way to go about it.

  3. That’s the central failing of all cons: the smoke and mirrors always give way to cold reality (just as an aside, I always find it weird that the original Smoking Mirror AKA Tezcatlipoca was always associated with such cold truths). I prefer the Gandhi quote of how hateful folk always eventually fall myself to describe our situation. I’ve long since accepted the major damage to come. Everyone else on the Republican side doing the same is not my problem.

    • Major damage has been done already. My fear is that the geo-political damage is irreversible. I know it will be if this POS gets reelected. That’s a no brainer. One term, America was duped, we lost our way. Two terms: we are a nation of imbeciles and we have the government we deserve.

      • I wrote the following on February 24 2018. It was a letter to the editor of the local paper, and was published a week or two later.

        Tonight I watched an episode of a TV show that was about the horrific attacks on our country on September 11, 2001. Thinking back to that day, I remember so much like it was yesterday. Awakened by a phone call from my girlfriend’s mother, we watched CNN in a sort of horrified fascination, not at first comprehending what was happening, or why. Anger and tears came later that day, as we watched events unfold. I didn’t learn until years later that the largest boat-lift in history also took place that day, with thousands of boats of all descriptions coming to evacuate people from Manhattan Island, as there was no other way to get off of the island that day.

        That was one day, a most terrible day. What is happening in these United States now is worse in many ways. We are witnessing a slow-motion disaster, the worst that this country has ever known. Evil, corrupt men and corporations are destroying this country, not quickly, but slowly. They are using disinformation, propaganda, and fake news to try to distract us. We must not be distracted! We must fight this disaster! How? By voting out the republithugs that are causing it!!

        • You watched 9/11 in horror, as did we all. Trump bragged about now having the tallest building in Manhattan. That one comment should have told everybody what they needed to know — and it did tell the yous and mes — but the low-information people don’t hear this stuff. This is what gives me little hope for the country. I’m very afraid for the direction we’ve gone and where we might continue to go. Getting out the vote is the only answer.

  4. Trump again saying outrageous, stupid things. Perhaps there will be a fitting holiday upon his demise. Trump apparently has no clue of his unpopularity.

    • Not necessarily. I read an article, published shortly after his election, wherein he supposedly commented that he had no idea how much he was hated. That was early on. Now, there’s no way he doesn’t know how much he’s hated.

    • I am now a devotee of Donny Deutsch. I wasn’t even really aware of him before now, but if he can pique Trump like that, great, I want to see more.

  5. “We can’t take another four years of this bum.”
    Amen to that. Hell, I’m not sure we can take another two weeks.

    • I worry about this election, Holly. Truly. We can’t screw this up. Twenty, twenty-three, whatever candidates. It reminds me of the 17 candidates in the Republican party in 2016. I am hoping we don’t splinter into factions and mess this up. We cannot afford to. This is the most crucial election in our history.

      • The most crucial election in the history of mankind, and I worry, too. I worry the GOP has sold us out to Russia. I worry about how Mitch McConnell keeps raising the table like he’s got a royal flush. I worry about that idiot traffic cone currently occupying the Oval Office having a stroke, and getting wheeled around the world spouting dangerous gibberish like an angry, talking turnip. Most of all I worry my children won’t survive the environmental collapse.
        I’m worried, Ursula, this election may very well be the last one in a long, long time—maybe the last one, ever.

        (Sorry to be so negative, but it’s been a rough couple of years now for us all.)

        • We can’t mess this one up, because Trump has already done so much damage and the only way we can mitigate it is to get him the hell out of Dodge. My only answers: 1. We need to stop the infighting and purity in the Democratic party — and with twenty something candidates, that’s going to be something for this cat herd to accomplish; 2. We need to get out the vote. Exactly how to do these things, I’m not sure. But Democrats dissing Democrats has to stop right now. That’s all I really know. The worst Democrat is lightyears beyond Donald Trump.

  6. A year ago a college classmate how has had a career as a Financial Advisor (we graduated 50+ years ago) sent us all a warning that he expected a serious Stock Market collapse in the relatively near term, based on what he expected rational investors’ responses to Trump’s follies would inevitably be. Now, with the Stock Market seeming to be sailing along with negligible damage, I am wondering if there is a hidden group manipulating the Market to keep Trump looking good, and how badly will they tank the market in the immediate wake of a Trump loss to stick it to the victorious Democratic candidate?

    • I don’t know how to comment on that. I don’t want to believe in a Shadow Government, but I will say this: After what I’ve seen the past couple of years, there is precious little that would surprise me. I am woke.


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