This is a new phenomenon. Donald Trump’s Twitter feed has a couple of strange videos, posted late Thursday night and the common theme is that everything is just fine in “Trump’s America’ it’s just that the media is making things up and taking things out of context — except that it appears that that is exactly what Trump is doing. Take a look, because this may be Trump’s last ditch propaganda effort to get the base to believe whatever he feeds them and to deny the evidence of their own eyes and ears. This is scary.

This next one is a puzzler. It was up in Trump’s feed for a short while and got the tag “manipulated media” applied by Twitter and now it won’t play. When it did play, it showed a black baby running ahead of a white baby and then the narrator intoned, “What really happened…” and the scene shifted to the two boys embracing each other and then running down the street, as you saw. The manipulated media part is two fold: 1. the original film shows the boys meeting and hugging and then running and 2. the CNN label is undoubtedly fake, because this video has been out in the world for quite a while. Here’s a link to that story.

Here’s what’s up on Trump’s Twitter feed right now.

It would be interesting to know when that was “breaking news” because if you hit the link above, the video was posted to Instagram in September of 2019.

Now this video seems to work, or it may stop working soon, who knows?

I’ve tried Snopes and PolitiFact and as of the time of this writing, approximately 9:30 p.m. PDT, they have not weighed in. So I don’t know if CNN ever ran this as breaking news — but they didn’t run it today, of that I feel certain. This video is old. Whether they ever ran it with this label, back in 2019, is what the professional fact checkers have to ascertain.

People are not reacting well, as you might expect.

I have a vague recollection of having seen this video before myself, because it is such a classic, and I have zero recollection of the breaking news chyron.

Here we go, another plunge deeper int the New Abnormal. I guess we’re going to see more of these attacks on the press, because literally, Trump wants us to disbelieve the evidence of our own eyes and ears and believe that anything negative about him that appears in the press is the result of an Evil Plot. This is getting into a level of bizarre that is almost indescribable. I cannot even begin to speculate what the next few months until November are going to be like after tonight. This is a new bottom and one that I find frankly terrifying.

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    • The Washington Post reported that the chyron was a fake and mentioned the name of the tweeter who put it together for Trump. I don’t know what the law is WRT cobbling together a fake news video and presenting it as real on social media. I guess it depends on the platform. Twitter marked it manipulated media but they didn’t boot it off, so I don’t know what that says. It’s pretty scary that just any clown can make something up and put a CNN chyron on it and pass it off as real. That is very scary.

  1. The font used in the headline bar is wrong as well as the black lettering of breaking news is wrong. Normally white lettering. I had seen this somewhere else tonight and picked up on the discrepancy right away.

    Pathetic……as usual, FAIL!!!

    • Maybe that’s how the clown who made it keeps from getting sued. But most people won’t pick up on the details like you did. I didn’t. I knew it was fake but the point is this: enough people will see it, thinking it’s real and that’s what’s ugly. And the Trump campaign has zero problem with this level of lying. They find it entertaining.

      • And were so comically transparent that you could have used them for Plexiglass. None of them will solve the unsolvable problem: make Trump look better.

      • But really, even their ugly is so ludicrous it is laughable. Thinking a fair share of the American public is way smarter than this–the whole Russian BS fake news isn’t likely to work now as too many of us know about the manipulation of “news” by Trump and his campaign. One thing I think I can say with pretty much certainty? The American people, most of us, do not like being underestimated. So. If these gonzos reach what? Thirty percent of voters who are just delighted to be underestimated? Shoot, that will get Trump laughed out of office in November.

        • I hope you’re right. I think Americans were as gullible as they were in 2016 because nobody was thinking of Russian bots on Facebook. I can’t tell you how many people I know who believed what they read on Facebook, the birther conspiracy, all of it. I honestly don’t know how discerning Americans are and this blatant propaganda is chilling, to say the least.

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