Poor Donald Trump. Keep America Great isn’t going to work too well as a campaign slogan with 13-15% unemployment, 40 million Americans unemployed, over 100,000 dead from COVID-19, and riots in the streets over the very same police brutality that Trump openly encouraged when he ran for office in 2016. This is emphatically not the description of a status quo that you want to preserve.

Trump’s consiglieres met over the weekend to decide what to do, with brutal internal polling and swing state polls which are positively horrific. George Conway decided to help them out, and #TrumpSlogans began immediately trending on Twitter. Great, help Donald Trump find a message that works. Fun for the whole family.

That’s the spirit. If you’re reading this, it means you’re alive and COVID-19 and/or the cops haven’t killed you — yet. So surely you can reason that Donald Trump is responsible for your survival to this point and you can show your gratitude by tweeting him a winning slogan. Right? It’s the least you can do. You wouldn’t want to see Donald lose and then go live in the House of Many Doors, would you? Put that thinking cap on. Yes, the one with the tin foil will do just fine.

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  1. I saw a headline saying that the White House is considering a Trump speech on race and unity. That should be really quality entertainment, if it comes to pass.

    • It’ll be grand. He’ll read from the teleprompter in that phony ass monotone of his. That will win people over, I’m sure.

      • UGH! And the way he slows his speech and drops his voice down at the end of a sentence! I hate listening to him but I can’t tear myself away. I also think this might be the time he fucks up and makes a statement that will finally end this whole mess.

        • And you can tell the moment he’s off leash (script). He becomes more animated and repeats things like they are the most profound utterances of the whole sham.

        • It reminds me of a preacher – not fire & brimstone delivery, but the kind of cajoling that type of preacher might do toward the end of his sermon, when he has slowed down and is trying to cajole people into walking down the aisle.

    • Yeah, heard about that. At this point, they’d be better off consulting Melania’s manufacturer for an animatronic dummy of Trump that can still speak coherently.

    • Everything he does from this point on will have that effect, guaranteed. His deterioration means his stumbles will only get worse.

  2. Conway’s suggestion is spot-on for his base. I would adjust it a little. “He an authoritarian, but he’s our authoritarian.” We know that if a Democrat behaved the same way, the GOP majority senate would have outed him within the first six months of his term.

    • Actually, no they couldn’t. For the same reason that Trump survived his impeachment, a Democratic president would survive the same way since impeachment is the ONLY way to legally remove a President without his or her consent (the 25th Amendment *can* lead to a President’s being removed against his or her will but that requires the President’s Cabinet to take the lead). The GOP had a slightly larger majority during Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial and still couldn’t manage to remove him from office.

      And, I’m guessing you meant “ousted” rather than “outed.”

      • I was specifically talking about a GOP majority Senate. However, if a Dem majority Senate would allow a Democrat who behaved like Trump to remain in office, Democrats would deserve to be universally excoriated. Bill Clinton’s case is not comparable. Any Democrat who voted to acquit merely because Clinton is a Democrat violated their impartial juror oath. Same for Republicans who voted on the basis of party rather than the merits of the case.

        What really happened is enough Senators from both parties took the oath seriously and realized the whole thing was a set up when Clinton was asked a question in the hearing he never should have been asked. Ten Republicans voted Not Guilty on the charge of perjury. Republicans had been working overtime to find something, anything to impeach Clinton for. Though his personal morals were wrong, Clinton did nothing as president for which an impartial jurist could convict.

        Trump’s impeach is completely based on his misconduct as president. The vote should have been an easy conviction. In fact, several Republicans admitted he was guilty but voted to acquit for various irrelevant reasons, including Susan Collins, who famously said she believed Trump had learned his lesson.

        If your implication that impeachment results necessarily depend on the composition of the Senate is true, then there is no impartial accountability at all.

  3. “Those who threatened innocent life and property will be arrested, detained and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law(except your beloved president)”

  4. One bit from Lovecraft is something Trump’s people should have heeded: “That is not dead which can eternal lie…” The contents of the pot they stirred last week has been lying for 400 years minimum. Their mistake was thinking it died in 2016 so they could step up their games.


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