Donald Trump is very very weirded out by the fact that there is a conversation about his midnight run to Walter Reed being due to his having suffered a stroke. The Trump campaign has set out to crucify analyst Joe Lockhart, and all he did was ask a question on Twitter.

It’s an understatement to say that Trump world is defensive. Here’s the campaign statement demanding that Lockhart be fired. Wow. Now the dictator is silencing dissidents for even speaking of subjects which are taboo.

The story is that Michael Schmidt of the New York Times is releasing a book, which claims that Mike Pence was put on standby when Trump went to Walter Reed last fall. There is NO comment in reviews of Schmidt’s books so far that says anything about Trump having a stroke. The comment about the mini-strokes comes from writer Don Winslow.

Trump can’t ask for Winslow to be fired, because he doesn’t work for anybody. He writes books and makes films.

Now, the question being asked, is whether Trump isn’t in fact outing himself by going bonkers over this issue. To recapitulate: 1. Michael Schmidt didn’t say Trump had a stroke; 2. Joe Lockhart merely asked; 3. Don Winslow said that he had heard about the stroke. But Winslow is not working for a media outlet or publishing the information as news. So, who is “they?”

Winslow made the comment August 1, and it wasn’t until August 31 that Trump apparently got wind of it — perhaps in conjunction with the review of Schmidt’s book, because that’s when it got retweeted a lot. Bottom line, no news outlet, fake or otherwise, is claiming that Trump had a stroke. A mystery thriller writer with a large following is saying he was told that. So, it’s hearsay on Twitter, and that’s nothing new. But something put a burr under Trump’s saddle and now the Trump campaign wants Joe Lockhart to be the sacrificial lamb, for asking a question. Another day, another lesson straight out of Fascism 101. The takeaway from this is that a raw nerve was hit and Trump world is out for blood and to make an example out of somebody.

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  1. The first I heard of strokes were the denial tweet of *rump. I had my suspicions from watching him speak and drag a leg while he walked and lack of balance, ease of motion in general.
    Been there, done that.

    • See, that’s the point. The denial brought it all to the surface. Nobody reported the stroke issue as a fact. Trump just got on Twitter and raged, per usual. He legitimized it. If it never happened, why rail against it? And why go off the deep end and demand that Joe Lockhart, of all people, be fired for merely asking about it? I think it happened for two reasons: 1. all the audio and video is compelling evidence that something like that took place; 2. Trump going off the deep end is like the old line, “The lady protests too much methinks.”

      • He always does the which completely undermines the idea of his “political smarts.” Like the ramp at West Point. If he’d just said “My knee was a little stiff that day,” it would have been over But he kept going on and on and on. And on and on and on and on.

    • My mom’s been pushing that theory all year because she too has been there and done that. How thoughtful of Donnie Dumdum to confirm it for us.

  2. Hey orangebob shitpants, u dumpy tub of Nazi flavored lard…PHUCK YOU!!! How’s that for clarity. Your brain is shit either way. Now snowflake what are your minions gonna whine about now??? If there were any justice, you would be in the belly of a hammerhead shark headed south of Easter island. Cowards as always.

    • Those minions had better start making plans. Unless I miss my guess, today has inched up the possibility that their boss is unemployed in January.

  3. Anyone else notice how his brain has been ESPECIALLY nonfunctional for the entire day? There’s no street smarts, there’s no strategy, just the mass confusion of an aging gangster who can no longer keep himself safe. The mini-strokes is just the crown jewel for all that.

    • More and more as the year goes on. Some of the things he says make no sense whatsoever, like the synapses are getting feedback from themselves.

  4. Trump got his fee fees hurt, again. Hey, there, el Caudillo de Mara Lago, I’ve got a full sized towel to wipe those crocodiles out of your eyes.

  5. A series of minor strokes would explain just why the medics gave him the cognitive test that he ‘aced’.

    My step-father had to go into a closed home as he was suffering from multi-infarct dementia, which has similar effects to senile dementia and the cognitive test is part of the diagnostic process.

  6. I see a lot of anger directed at the reporter, but not a lot of official denial of the allegation. The statement issued appears to have been written by tRump himself, or maybe a 4th grader.

    • Also, his demand that the reporter be fired should be met with a demand for his medical report for last November to prove it’s not true. (And no, it’s not an “invasion of privacy.” Presidential health is a public matter.) You can’t fire someone based on Trump’s word; Trump’s word is worth less than nothing.

  7. Nice Ursula!! And this ties in with what I wrote a few minutes ago about the “brag” that he didn’t have a stroke. Plus, let’s face it, lots of inquiring minds have been asking about stroke for weeks, maybe months now, so why the testiness and telling on himself yesterday? Crikey but we really do need to know his physical condition–this is about as bad as when the American people weren’t told about Woodrow Wilson; or FDR for that matter. But now? An ill president can obliterate the entire world with the push of a button. That wasn’t true back then. And I’m not picking on Republicans. We should have been informed that JFK had Addison’s Disease–it had a huge impact on his adrenal glands, which are if everyone remembers from their high school anatomy and physiology class, the glands that sit atop the kidneys and are the repository and producer of several hormones, including for crying out loud, adrenaline, which is our fight or flight hormone. Not something I want being less than perfect in any president, you know?

    • A little unfair to JFK, when you consider how he got us out of the Cuban Missile Crisis without setting off WWIII. I shudder to think how the healthier but less mentally stable Nixon would have done it.


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