You don’t need to study psychiatry in Vienna to know that this is the grandiosity which comes before the complete mental collapse. The tape you’re about to see is pretty far removed from reality even for Donald Trump. Trump has clearly decided that he’s fine, just fine, and so he’s going to let you know that. In fact, he’s so fine, that the best legal minds in the country are begging him, with tears in their eyes we have no doubt, to offer their assistance and he lets them know he doesn’t need them.

Isn’t that good to know, that Donald has it all wired and he doesn’t need anybody? MAGA will be relieved that he doesn’t need any more donations, I’m sure.

It’s all this winning, you see. Trump just wins and wins and it’s because he’s got the best people lined up down the block begging to work for him.

Or, all three.


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  1. Isn’t this the sort of thing little school girls say? “They wanted me to go to their party but I said no”. “She wanted me to invite her but I said no”. Reality: the other school girls want nothing to do with the silly, bragging one. If I had to compare trump to anything I really think the most appropriate comparison would be to a little school girl. What a pathetic loser.

    • What this adds up to is what was revealed yesterday, which is that Trump knows who is going to testify against him. So he needs to talk big now, because in the next few days, weeks, he’s going to look really bad.

      • Although apparently not bad enough to turn the ‘pubes in Congress against him. I hear they might try to expunge his impeachments. You know, I call him a pathetic loser but he’s got nothing on the ‘pubes in the house.

  2. How can someone this delusional retain such support from his minions?

    I guess you can fool some of the people all the time.

  3. Funny how he can’t produce security video of all these big, burly lawyers crawling on their hands and knees, with tears gushing forth onto the floor begging and pleading for the chance to represent him in court. Dragging not mere briefcases, but TRUNKS of money stuffed with cash trying to pay HIM to be granted the “privilege” of being one of his lawyers!

    As we know he’d hired lots of undocumented workers over the decades, and surely has some that speak English with thick Spanish accents he can trot out on days when he holds court like a king receiving supplicants bearing gifts, and with them dressed up like banditos from the 1980s like the ones in Blazing Saddles joining Hedley Lamar’s “army of thugs” do a variation on the line about badges and instead sneer “Lawyers, Trump don’t need no stinking lawyers!”

    Also, I think we’re in for a variation on another ludicrous Trump statement. Instead of “MY Generals” he’ll say “I know more than my lawyers” Maybe, probably with additional idiocy about how he knows more law than any lawyer, including and especially HIS SCOTUS Justices.

    • What about some “perfect” phone calls? I’d settle for some of those with Trump “gently” refusing all these attorneys.

  4. (3) is the most important. Donnie Donuts is notorious for not paying his bills, and he hardly qualifies for Legal Aid or pro.bono.


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