Donald Trump lies so often and is allowed to do so with impunity by so-called broadcast journalists, that most of his firehose of falsehoods goes unnoticed. Sadly. But he made a comment during a recent faux town hall which has been resurrected on this eve of the well crafted bipartisan border bill being shot down in the Senate. The reason for that is because it shows with clarity just whose side Trump and MAGA are on. And it’s not America’s.

We have known of the Trump Russia connection for some time now. It was quite the smoking gun back in 2016, particularly when Trump’s two idiot sons spoke of the abundance of funding that the Trump Organization had pouring in from Russia. Then there were the photographs of Michael Flynn sitting down to a sumptuous repast with Vladimir Putin, a few days after Trump hired Flynn to work in national security. You know how long that lasted.  Here is where Trump is now vis a vis Russia.

The reason Mitch McConnell folded on the bill and now the bill is headed for the dead zone, is two fold: It contains border provisions which would curtail any “crisis” at the border and Trump doesn’t want that. He wants to keep the illusion of crisis alive so that he can have a talking point for the campaign.

But secondly, and more importantly, the bill contains desperately needed aid to Ukraine. That’s why it’s in McConnell’s trash can right now.

Why is Tucker Carlson in Moscow? Isn’t that a trifle odd, just on its face, that the host of a highly rated cable “news” show, who was then fired after a $787 million verdict was levied against Fox News for lying about the election being stolen, should be over in the capitol of a country at war with one of our allies?

I’m sure we’ll get more facts in the days to come, but let’s face it, this is all getting a bit odd. Carlson and Trump have been persuading MAGA for some time now that Putin is just a great old boy and should be besties with the US of A. And that Putin is simply dazzled by Trump and even intimidated by him. That’s the line of bull which they’ve been putting out for quite some time now.

And so it stands to reason that a MAGA-dominated Republican party would find that its Senate minority now does not want to aid Ukraine. It also makes sense that the Speaker of the House has promised that the aid bill would be “dead on arrival.”

This is tragic. All of it. But this is where the Republican party has decided to go. The GOP is in total anarchy right now. Let’s just hope that somehow this bill can pass, Ukraine can get aid and we don’t completely lose face in the eyes of the world.

Make no mistake. There is a lot riding on this bill. A lot more than meets the eye. Ukraine is an ally. Trump has made no bones about the fact that he would let Putin have Ukraine, his excuse being that it would prevent “another endless war.” Trump also made it abundantly clear when he was in office that he didn’t understand NATO and from what he did understand, he didn’t find it to be necessary. It’s widely believed that if Trump had been reelected in 2020 that he would have taken the U.S. out of NATO.

So now that agenda is carried over to 2024 — unless Americans unite and purge the criminally accused charismatic cult leader. But again, do not lose sight of the bigger picture: there is no functioning Republican party right now. Only the MAGA-dominated cult of Trump. That’s what we’ve got now in lieu of a GOP and a Democratic party. We’ve got the MAGA cult vs. democracy itself. And nobody is enjoying the show more than Vladimir Putin, make no mistake.


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    • You left out “enriching themselves,at the expense of the country and admiring Putin for replacing a brief period of denim democracy with an oligarchy.” Because they want to be among the oligarchs.

  1. Make no mistake about who instigated Hamas to attack and take the attention away from Ukraine and give the Republican traitors a convenient excuse to hold up funding in favor of Israel.

    Putin’s stench is all over this.

  2. Interesting fact: Jim Jones had 909 souls commit suicide, some forced at the point of a gun. They died horribly by cyanide which causes foaming at the mouth, convulsions, and eventually suffocation. He, being a coward, like Trump, had his nurse shoot him in the head. Upon his death it was discovered he had 11 million dollars he had fleeced from his cult members. In his will he left it TO RUSSIA. The victims’ families received it instead. Something about freedom that scares these evil control freaks. Something about dictatorship they love. Something about their demise that brings hope. Too bad Jim didn’t catch a bullet early. A bullet doesn’t lie…they do.

  3. russia has a lot of empty space outside its cities: perhaps the magats might wish to look into moving over there. They’ll get the authoritarian government they want, we rid ourselves of the magat infestation in our country–it’s a win-win.

  4. It is clear to anyone with a functioning mind that Trump is a traitor.What our Constitution doesn’t provide, our citizens must if we wish to maintain any semblance of freedom. Trump wastes our governments time and money. Quite an accomplishment for a lying piece of shit.


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