Well, well, well. We’re 63 days from the election, and the Trump campaign, three hours late and not even bringing a 12 pack and some chips, has gotten to the party. But at least they’re trying to blend in and see what’s what.

But at least they seem to have learned a couple of things, and while they’re already acting on one, there is every indication that they’ll start the other one soon. And if they do that, the Harris lead, both nationally as well as in most battleground states could be outside the margin of error by the time the VP’s rumble.

Here we go. We’re 63 days from election day, and according to the campaign, he has no events scheduled for this week. Apparently the campaign has learned former Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill said today on MSNBC, If they can’t shut him up, then they’ll shut him in. Sage advice considering every time Traitor Tot opens his mouth, he even pisses off his core constituencies, such as Evangelicals over the abortion issue.

But it’s good advice for another reason. As I’ve previously written, repeatedly that Trump is his own worst enemy. And now Sarah Longwell, former GP strategist and pollster, The Lincoln Project member, and publisher of The Bulwark confirmed what I already thought, The media needs to cover Trump more. I do focus groups every week, and when Trump is radio silent, his popularity goes up. But when he opens his mouth, and the media covers it, his ratings tank. You want to beat Trump? Have the media cover him the same way they cover Harris.

So, at least for the time being, the campaign is going to try to put a muzzle on their rabid St. Bernard, and fight this digitally and in the media. Which lets sleeping dogs lie, but hands blanket media coverage to Harris to hammer her message home unopposed.

But it feeds into another problem for the Trump campaign that I’ve written about repeatedly. Their problem is that after nine years of being a sexist, racist, homophobic misogynist douch nozzle, public opinion of Trump is hardened like initials in a newly poured sidewalk. He has no room to grow.

Which is the problem I’ve written about. Check the numbers yourself. In 2016, 2020, and even so far in 2024, His Lowness has a concrete and rebar hard ceiling of 47%. And since every battleground state and national poll shows Harris well above 47%, if the voting simply confirms the polling, Trump is toast in a landslide, and he sinks the GOP with him. But the campaign can’t improve his image of popularity.

Which leaves only one option. If the campaign can’t make people love Trump, the only thing they can do is to make people hate Kamala Harris. And they can only do so much of that through attack ads and surrogates, they’re going to have no choice but to let FrankenTrump off of the lab table, and loose in the hillside and village. Strategically the last thing they want.

And exactly what the Harris campaign wants. Because Harris and Walz are running a joyful campaign, full of enthusiasm and forward thinking positivism. And the mud slinging, personal assassination tactics are exactly what the majority of voters are sick to death of. Harris gets her contrast without having to do a thing, and El Pendejo ex Presidente reminds the voters of why they hate him so much.

I know there will still be 57 days left, but next Tuesday’s debate could be a fatal blow for the Trump campaign. There is no way a sh*theel like Trump is going to rattle a disciplined, experienced career prosecutor like Harris. She’s gone up against actual hard asses with gangs behind them. He’s a petulant little man child having a tantrum. She’ll treat him with the calm, dispassionate disdain he so richly deserves.

And when she does, Il Douche will lose his collective sh*t. Racist insults, sexist insults, personal insults, quite possibly dragging Doug and Gus into it, anything he can think of to score points for his flagging base. And the more Harris either zings him back on his convicted criminality, or ignores him and just keeps making her points, the more insane The Trumpster Fire gets.

Which is where the Trump campaign f*cked up tactically. The Harris campaign insisted on hot mics for the entire debate, saying the campaign knew they couldn’t make their candidate look presidential for 90 little minutes. Which led to the immediate Trump campaign knee jerk reaction that the mics had to be muted. Exactly what Harris wanted all along.

Here’s why. Look back to the Trump-Clinton debates of 2016, and the Trump-Biden debate of 2020. In both cases Trump used the hot mics to turn the debates into 90 minute verbal mosh pits, Clinton and Biden couldn’t finish a sentence. On Tuesday, once Harris starts speaking, Traitor Tot is boned. The only way he can even try to interfere is to scream like an escaped asylum patient, making him look unhinged.

Talk about being hoist on your own petard. Nine years of whiny, abusive, petulant behavior is finally catching up to Trump. He can’t even hit 48% in an election, and after spending nine long years grinding anybody not named Trump into the dirt, good luck making any of that toxic sludge stick to Harris. And as the polls and enthusiasm shows, people actually like feeling good when they get up in the morning. As Kamala Harris herself says to wild applause and chants, We aren’t going back!

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. My dream for the 2024 Debate:

    All of the underage girls and women who Trump molested or raped show up on front row with their NDA pinned to their blouse, with the camera getting enough of a close up so it can be easily read.

    But the kill shot will be the hologram of Jeffery Epstein as moderator thanking Donald for letting him troll Mar-a-Largo for young girls and telling him, “can you believe she was only 15, Donald?”



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