Trump and Bob Corker Exchange Uglies On Corker’s Way Out The Door


Imagine a world, as Rod Serling used to intone, where a sitting president known as Donnie Two Scoops, in recognition of his maturity level regarding the distribution of ice cream, spends all his time at the White House watching television and tweeting insults at other statesmen.


Two schools of thought on this: Do you thank Corker for taking a swipe at Trump on his way out, on the theory of better later than never, or, do you acknowledge that Corker voted in alignment with Trump’s views over 80% of the time, so his tweet-standing at the 11th hour doesn’t mean a whole hell of a lot?

Thought so.

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  1. I vote that Corker sold out for self interest and not as support for Trump. Retiring Senator Corker made a boatload of money on his vast real estate holdings from the tax bill aimed at the <1%'s… What else is new? Glad to see him out of the Senate and happy he could send seasons greetings to his BFF who illegally sits in the White House and really could give a Rats A*@ about what happens to anyone except himself.

    Happy Holidays y'all!


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