Trump 2020 Campaign Coordinator States Trump Used “N-Word” on Tape


We know we have a racist president, no news there. We didn’t know we had one that would go around intimidating people and spitting hatred using the “N-word.”

IF the tape is real, and the tape is real enough that CBS News believed it deserved to be on the air, then the fact that the Trump campaign had a meeting on what to do if a tape was released with Trump using said word, it means that they fully believed it could happen. From the video:

 Tapes obtained by CBS this morning, which can be heard below, shows Trump’s former campaign spokesperson, and current senior adviser to the Trump 2020 campaign, Katrina Pearson, stating unequivocally that Trump did in fact use the offensive word. The conversation was one between Manigualt Newman, Pearson, and Lynne Patton, then-assistant to Eric Trump.

I have always believed that a million things precluded me from running for office, poor credit rating, medical bills, etc. But, if I did, I can assure you, that my campaign committee would not have to spend a single second worrying about the release of anything with me using such a racial epithet, or any racial epithet. Period. Because there would be no reason.

Yet the Trump team did and apparently DOES still worry. They must have a reason.

I have to still believe that tapes of Trump using the “N-word” would get him driven from office. I must believe that as an American, that the American people, even much of the Right will not put up with it. Yet, I would have said the same thing about the Access Hollywood tapes – and that became “just locker-room talk.” Well, I have been in a lot of hockey locker-rooms, and did indeed hear such talk, but I never heard racial epithets. It won’t work this time.

Moreover, many believe that more tapes exist, those belonging to the producer of The Apprentice, Mark Burnett. Burnett was “hired” by the inauguration committee and apparently walked away with close to $25 million dollars in what would appear to be hush money, to ensure the tapes never surface.

I never ends.

Or, this could be the end.

We can only hope. It would be fitting if Trump were to go down, not as part of some international conspiracy to steal an election (which he did do), but because he’s nothing but a low-life racist thug.















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