“There are decades where nothing happens, there are weeks where decades happen.” — Vladimir Lenin

We are certainly living in one of those weeks where decades happen. Absolutely. When you have a week where, as we pointed out previously:

  • Belarus has become a nuclear state.
  • Germany has chosen to re-arm.
  • Finland and Sweden have signaled that they are interested in joining NATO.
  • Ukraine has applied to join the E.U.
  • Switzerland has broken its record of neutrality.
  • Queen Elizabeth is contributing aid to Ukrainian refugees out of her own pocket.
  • Facebook and Twitter have been banned in Russia.
  • Journalists reporting anything other than the official Russian narrative of the Ukraine War can be imprisoned for up to 15 years.
  • It’s not even permitted to call the Ukraine War a War. It’s a “peace keeping mission,” thank you very much.

When all this has happened in a week’s time, give or take a day, you know things are pretty wild.

So add to that this image: Fox News abandons its previous Pro-Putin stance and none other than Fox contributor and podcaster, Mr. Benghaaaaazi himself, Trey Gowdy, is the voice of the Safe Republican Daddy. Who else is there? Mike Pence is too controversial. Wrap your head around that one, but it’s true. He keeps flip flopping on kissing up to Trump and publicly disagreeing with him.

Mitt Romney has never been Mr. Foreign Policy and at least he’s got either the good taste or common sense to stay out of this particular issue. The last thing the GOP needs is the likes of Jim Jordan or Matt Gaetz getting too vocal about Ukraine, so the mantle of Republican authority and respectability has devolved to Trey Gowdy’s shoulders.

Here he is, still trying to look statesmanlike, all these years after Benghaaaaazi. And here’s the part you’re going to love: He’s talking about Sparta and Persia in 490 B.C. You can’t make this up. And he thinks it’s a swell idea if the U.S. goes to war directly with Ukraine — never mind the insane and obvious escalation that would entail. Um….Trey? One thing wrong with your 490 B.C. example. Sparta and Persia weren’t nuclear powers.

Interesting how these GOPers are all constitutional scholars and historians. Did you catch Madison Cawthorn last week when he was playing Roman historian and got all the dates wrong — and not for the first time? At least the bar for intellectual prowess isn’t very high in the GOP. Trey Gowdy is Winston Churchill compared to Madison Cawthorn.

Let us see what happens with Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, and most of all TuckyoRose Carlson, now that this massive pivot has taken place.

After all, tomorrow is another day, the start of a new week, which may contain decades. At least Gowdy didn’t suggest involving Space Force. So far the only person idiotic enough to bring them up is Donald Trump.


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  1. Actually what is written on the Thermopylae monument is “We died here following the traditions of the Spartans”.

    He also overlooks the point that Persia wasn’t attacking on Greek City-State but ALL of them and again that the 300 Spartans weren’t the only military there but that there were 900 Thespians (who were also wiped out).

    Reciting a quatrain written by another Greek a couple of hundred years later in a sonorous voice doesn’t make his assessment of history or even current events any less nonsensical.

    But then what do you expect from a failed GQP politician?

  2. If Pee Wee Herman and Mike Pence were to have a kid……

    ….how do these morons get elected…….rhetorical question…..by other morons.

    • Ursula…..not sure why the above comment was flagged……I’d let Mom read it 🙂

      Congrats on the new features!!!

    • I think perhaps he’s a moron hooked on oxy. Regardless of all the bullshit he’s spoken he can’t avoid knowing he’s lying. They say the truth hurts, and for someone like Gowdy it’s easy to imagine it causes actual physical pain that’s bad enough he’s become addicted to oxy!


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