What a culture we live in and no wonder there’s a war. The two tribes who can’t get along are the smart and the stupid. The problem that we have politically is that the GOP has decided to go against nature, meaning, in nature the stupidest animals are not the ones leading the pack. But on today’s political scene, that is precisely what you see. And it has been remarked any number of times that it’s not the GOP, it’s their voters. In either event, may God help us all with this in Congress.

Here is the home schooled college dropout accused sexual harasser showing off his intellectual chops.

Hang onto something sturdy.

This is the guy who went from Chick-Fil-A to Congress, with no education or work history in between. This is what that looks like.

This is not the first time, nor will it be the last, that Cawthorn has claimed to be scholar of Roman history. Seriously.

He can barely write his own name, but he can read Caesar’s Brittanica in the original Latin. Uh huh. And I got news for ya, there’s no way he can read a foreign language and not speak a word of it. I speak decent pidgeon French but reading it is something altogether different because of the different verb tenses.

That’s exactly right. Cawthorn also claims to be a French cook and I don’t even want to think about that. Cooking is my hobby and I did a semester abroad in France so I actually know something about French cuisine and I’m going to venture what I know is many lightyears beyond this bozo.

But his acolytes believe him to be a young prodigy, a man of letters and a gourmet chef, the youngest member of Congress, a veritable virtuoso, whose finest quality is his humility.

Like the old song says, “What a fool believe, s/he sees.”

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  1. I long ago lost count of this guy’s demostrations of dumbassery. Now he’s fucking up ancient Roman history and trying to polish the turd with Latin. Since he’s decided to bring Latin into this latest demonstration of being a dumbass I have to say it – quod erat demonstrandum By Cawthorn himself.

  2. Britannica?

    Funny that – when I was at school having Latin forced down my throat with the assistance of flying sticks of chalk, etc (Monty Python’s incident with Brian and the Centurion wasn’t too far from the mark), we had to read De Bello Gallico (Gallic Wars). Hairy Jack of the Juliani never wrote a book called Britannica and Britannia wasn’t conquered for another hundred years (under Claudius – his great-nephew) after he had the contretemps on the steps of the Theatre of Pompey

    And please note the Latin name of the province was Britannia – ‘Britannica’ is an encyclopaedia

    • “Britannica” is an adjective…not that Maddie would know that, either.

      (My medieval history professor was a specialist in classical Greece and Rome. He said “Life of Brian” was fairly accurate. Before he showed it to us as background. We started with the collapse of the Empire.)

      • I winced through the scene where Brian had to write “Romani Ite Domum” – it brought back painful memories of Latin class (far too close to reality)

        I know it’s an adjective but Gaius Julius (to give him his correct praenomen and nomen – ‘Caesar’ meaning ‘hairy’ in Greek was a nickname because he was bald) never wrote anything called either Britannia or Britannica

  3. None of us should forget that Rome only became an empire, officially, after Octavian defeated his enemy, Mark Antony–and, even then, only a couple of years AFTER Antony’s death.

    I guess Maddie missed that day in class. He was probably too busy studying his Latin (probably, Pig Latin, in his case).


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