This is too funny for words. Late last night I broke the news that a federal court judge in Florida had not only thrown out what he called a frivolous and unfounded lawsuit, but he went on to spank Trump and his lawyer for a combined cool million in fines.

Here’s a little more on that story to fill it in first. In his written ruling the judge blistered Trump’s ass, holding him equally liable, since Trump wasn’t an inexperienced litigant following his lawyers lead. instead Trump is an experienced “harassment litigator” who knew exactly what he was doing. And just to clarify, that cool million Trump and his windbag have to pony up isn’t going to the treasury. Instead it’s being divvied up to the 31 defendants Trump named in his lawsuit. Trump is paying Hillary’s lawyers! BWAHAHAHA!

But it seems that nothing catches Trump’s attention like half a million of his scoots flying out the window. Earlier today MSNBC reported that this morning Trump’s lawyers quietly went into federal court, and dropped a lawsuit that Traitor tot had filed a few months ago against New York Attorney General Letitia James. Why? Wait for it. Because the suit was filed in front of the same judge that shook His Lowness by his ankles for a half a mil yesterday. Don’t you love it?

Not actually, yesterday’s decision can only help to hasten FrankenTrump’s legal and financial demise. For instance, if Fulton County DA Fani Willis comes out and indicts El Pendejo Presidente, his automatic, knee jerk reaction will be to run to federal court to file a lawsuit, claiming, harassment, Executive Privilege, and Presidential Immunity. All designed to bog down the whole process for 2-3 years while it winds its way to the SCOTUS. But if the lawsuit only delays the process by 6 months, and ends up costing Trump another half million, is it worth it? And that’s if he can find a lawyer willing to file the suit, and risk their own 401k in the process.

And it isn’t just the criminal charges. Within a year, The Trumpster Fire has some $200+ milion in personally guaranteed company coming up for payment. With his company now a criminal enterprise, nobody is going to touch him with fire tongs. In fact, I fully expect several of the smaller banks and lenders to initiate proceeding to cash out their chips. To which Trump’s immediate response would be to file federal lawsuits. But again, at the possible expense of a half a million per lawsuit to gain six months or less, is it worth it?

As I wrote last night, it took justice a while to get around to Trump, but it finally looks like it’s his turn at the judicial deli counter. And I must admit, those first results surprised me. I didn’t expect that fine to sting Trump that badly. After all, his usual mantra is to bluff and bluster, and double down. Instead he quietly pulls another lawsuit, taking a loss on the original filing fees, as well as the accumulated hours the lawyers have racked up to this point. And if I remember correctly, he has another bullshit countersuit against author E Jean Carroll. Could that be the next domino to fall? Don’t touch that dial.

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    • A,lot of money is,also.due to.Russian oligarchs, and most of his net worth is tied up in property he owns. He may have a cash flow problem. American and European banks won’t touch him. Unless he wins re-election he is of no.more use to Putin. Unlike America and European banks which will either foreclose or get a,lien on his crappy buildings, Russian oligarchs will foreclose on him personally !and permanently and the properties. They work with the Russian mob, and those guys make the Columbian mob look benign.

  1. Maybe…But the problem is where does he find a lawyer willing to play $500,000 Russian Roulette just to file a lawsuit for a deadbeat client???

  2. I saved the ruling on Aileen Cannon’s stupidity, just to re-read every once in a while for grins & giggles.

    THIS ruling is just icing on the cake and really tells it like it is. Good for da Judge!

  3. To me the obvious move now would be for Trump to sue Alina Habba for bad legal advice. Theoretically this would aim to get her to pay the entire amount plus many, many millions in compensatory damages. In reality, it allows Trump to claim he shouldn’t be liable for ANY part of the judgement.

  4. Although no legit banks will touch him. the Saudis and the Russians have already been giving him money. He will never be without funding. Whether through grifting or money laundering. But grateful this judge finally stood up and said “ENOUGH!”

    • If he loses the primary, he is of no more use to Putin, and we have all.seen what happens to people who aren’t useful to Vlad. The oligarchs like sharks sensing blood in the water. They will foreclose on the properties (he very likely has a cash flow and that won’t be able to come up with cash,,which is why he is on the grift asking for money from his “Stop the Steal” lawsuits supporting his Big Lie) but on him.personally and permanently. They work hand in glove with the Russian Mob. NY has a,large contingent of Russian mobsters.

  5. Now, just a minute, WHAT could this Judge be thinking?

    Or smoking … OR …

    How dare, He or She slam Trump’s magnificent person that he IS … his blind to any REAL facts or any sense of property rights, including secret documents, be right or wrong, criminal or not, he continues to mock every law, fumble through reticules CT scams and uses them as a viral tool to excite mobs of low intelligence people to ransack our Democracy and beautiful Capitol building …

    He cannot see through the gray clouds over his head … There’s NO sunshine up there, nothing but the chaos of a direct hit tornado at Mar-o-golf … I’m looking ahead to the Marshal’s dragging Trump out to the big bus with barred windows and lights flashing, his clown shoes with flattened toe space and elevated heals, bobbing along for the ride … he won’t have to worry, after the AG and jury get done with him, he will spend a little time in a special room to get fitted with a well-made bright orange jump suit, white,”T” shirt white socks and orange shoes … he will probably have a couple extra pair of undies as well, because, well, he’s going to mess himself when he finally sees that there is NO escape as an ordinary dumb-ass …

    No longer the terrorist in the White House, powerless, held down by unpaid fines, criminal intent/solid evidence, Trump Name and businesses gone, rest of family and close associates, Republican do-wrongs all facing their own music in court … The circus is close at hand, like a kid waiting for the big steam driven train full of elephants, horses and even a couple of clowns waving and throwing out handfuls of candies … The good, (Ole Days), long gone, but still a reminder to me, how really stupid Trump and his gang have been, doing evil things in front of the public, NEVER waiting for the scream of the steam whistle on that train, slowly pulling into the local depot … pretty sad that the only one on Trump’s list of important people is HIMSELF …


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