Lots of reactions to the video you’re about to see. Is she selling lap dances? Is she trying to make Ivanka jealous about taking Daddy’s attention away? Or, alternatively, is Ivanka thrilled to death that somebody is taking Daddy’s attention away? There is a disturbing vibe to this, as one tweeter said. Weirdness personified. Now before you watch this clip, you need to know that Lara Trump has said she would serve as Donald Trump’s vice president, if asked to. Aren’t you comforted?

Do you believe that outfit? It’s literally a two sizes too small dressing gown thrown on over a sequined body suit, but this is what passes for haute couture in Trump world, evidently. And wouldn’t it be a howler if you had the First Daughter-in-Law end up serving as VP in a second term? That would be one for the books. Which would make Eric the Second Gentleman. So far Doug Emhoff has discharged that office with dignity and style, Eric would make a laughing stock out of it, like he does any post he holds.

One of the fascinating side plots to this insane soap opera we’ve been collectively living in for seven years now is the emergence of Lara Trump as everything from podcaster to senatorial candidate to country western superstar. Now we see her debut as call girl high fashion model and vice presidential candidate.

This is what MAGA thinks sheer elegance and class looks like. Move over Buckingham Palace, there’s a whole different kind of “class” in town.

So what is next? Kimberly Guilfoyle for Attorney General? Or is Alina Habba taking that post? Maybe Kim can be White House counsel instead. And I think Junior should head up the Department of Education. He can eliminate it and call it the Department of Home Schooling. Betsy DeVos will be only too happy to consult with him in this transitional phase.

Imagine this clown back in office with that creature one heartbeat away from the presidency. Can you imagine such a thing? I’m trying to wrap my head around it. She would still be President Trump, so if anything happened to Donald it would be, “President Trump is dead, long live President Trump.” That would be trippy for openers. And then I’ll bet you that she would sing at her own inauguration and demand that her rendition of I Won’t Back Down become the new national anthem, replacing the Star Spangled Banner.

You think I jest? Would you have believed back in, oh say, 2014 or so, that we would have a president whose solution to a worldwide pandemic would be to ingest bleach and put light bulbs up one’s anus? Would you have believed that? No, you would not have. But we did see it come to pass, and so very much more as well. I rest my case.

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  1. Brian Allen
    Concern is mounting among GOP Senators over the FBI’s potential access to their January 6 phone data. Here’s why: Ron Johnson is entangled in a fake electors scheme, Josh Hawley is linked to inciting the uprising, Mike Lee is implicated in collusion with Trump, and Ted Cruz & Navarro are involved in the ‘Green Bay Sweep’ plot. Their deepening anxiety stems from the serious nature of these allegations.
    Source: Lindy

    • In addition to the phone data so nicely provided by the brilliant Scott Perry, we have the 14th Amendment to use against these insurrectionists.

  2. Popular Liberal 🇺🇸
    PATHETIC GOP: Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley on her voter registration form, indicated her race as “White”. She can be seen standing behind her father with her mother and siblings, she is wearing a blue top. None of the GOP hypocrites or Fox News hosts have demanded to see Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley’s birth certificate as they did with President Obama, falsely accusing him of being un-American due to his race.

    • Really? That should be added in as PROOF SHE IS A VIRULENT RACIST!!!! To deny your own heritage tsk tsk tsk. Of course there are 76million ASSHOLES who feel entitled to shit on immigrants, WHEN ALL OF THEIR ANCESTORS WERE OR ARE IMMIGRANTS!!! America…land of hypocrisy.

      • her caste probably does consider themselves white. At least, they look down on all the darker colored Indians. If the question read “Caucasian” or “of European descent” her answer would be a lie, but “white” morphs constantly according to the bigotry of the deacade in question. There was a time when Irish were not considered “white”, ditto Italians, Spaniards, etc.

  3. Trump cannot leave his, BIG LIE ALONE, everything he does is predicated on his little voice in what is left of an imitation brain, which tells him to blame everyone else, while still slinging ancient rhetoric about, like organic fertilizer on a farm …

    He still does not realize HE IS the WORST person as a witness to his own crooked past …

    How many fools will still flip on Trump when the roof caves in on Republican do-wrongs in the House/Senate? I think Mr. Smith has a few good reasons left to hang on Trump’s list of charges … Also, Trump has been begging for jail time with all his statements about Judges and their staff … I can’t imagine ANYONE would say the things he does without ANY thought to the outcome …

  4. Honestly ? You’re treating this like a big joke instead of a possibility.
    Wake up people ! This could actually happen ! Everyone laughed in 2016,
    no way in hell . In 2020 everyone thought “ how did this happen “. It’s
    2024 . It’s happening again …


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