‘They Were Trying To Beat Down The Door Of The John So He’d Stop Tweeting’ Says A Laughing CNN Panel About Trump’s Last Twitter Tempest


Don Lemon’s Friday night show featured a segment with Never Trumper and author Rick Wilson, who laughed along with Lemon and CNN analyst Scott Jennings, about how Donald Trump spent the morning of Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day holed up in the john rage tweeting — 14 tweets, to be precise.

“This is not a well man, Don. This is a guy who honestly believes that he can change the fabric of reality and make the law go away by tweeting at it,” Wilson said. “There’s a lot of things today that are going to accrue in the assessment of Donald Trump including the fact for the first time the Department of Justice has said that Donald Trump asked his minion, Mike Cohen, to commit felonies. This is an ugly, bad, no-good day for Donald J. Trump.”

Wilson thinks that Trump went off on tillerson because he’s jealous of him, and that well may be.

“Look, Rex Tillerson negotiated deals as the CEO of Exxon that where the rounding error was greater than every penny Donald Trump has ever made in his entire life,” said wilson. “This is a guy who is absolutely a globally recognized business leader as somebody who led a gigantic multinational corporation successfully. This is not some two-bit Manhattan grifter who puts his name on building and goes bankrupt every five years. Trump is always jealous of business success and makes him mad.”

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