This is vintage Trump. First he bragged about how testing has gone up and then that heretic, Chris Wallace, committing a random act of journalism, how dare he, said yes, “testing is up 37%. But the virus is up 194%.” Well, sir, that caused a galvanic reaction in Trump and you guessed it: CHY-NUUHH! WAAAAAAA!!! They did it! They let it out!! The virus has legs and it ran away and they didn’t chase it and bring it back! And then it came over here and bit us in the butt and it’s Not.My.Fault!!!!

And the tantrum continues when Trump spreads his hands and says, “I’ll be right eventually,” (about the virus “disappearing”) and “I’ve been right more than anybody.” Yes, you have, Donald. The rest of us don’t live in a bubble surrounded by sycophants telling us how right we are and how anybody who disagrees is an enemy. Ergo, you are right more than anybody you know of, absolutely.

Now this next one is going to raise your ire, and well it should. Trump prattles on about masks and choice, bla bla and then he gets to one of his talking points, threatening to pull federal funding from schools if kids don’t return to schools in the fall. Wallace points out that the federal government only finances 8% of education costs and that it “goes overwhelmingly to disadvantaged kids and children with disabilities.” Trump merely paused and said exasperatedly, “Chris…let the schools open.” Then he went on to conflate some statistic about “one person in New Jersey [I think he meant under the age of 18] died. So that’s it.” That’s what???? The edict of Donald to open the schools just because he says so and now we all genuflect and make the sign of the Trump?

More coming up.

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  1. I am hoping that more and more people are not even listening to him. Like the BLM protestors, they are simply moving forward with their own agenda. We can either get on board or get out of the way, but I think he is becoming more irrelevant as time goes on.

      • You start hoping that everyone around him gets the virus, and has all the symptoms. (I went to the dentist Friday morning. Not only did they check my temperature while I was in the waiting room, i had to fill out a questionnaire on whether I had any of the symptoms. They were disinfecting the pens – so I used my own. And had to rinse my mouth with hydrogen peroxide before they started.)

  2. I recently stumbled on two sites, one on Twitter (TrumpRegrets) and the other on the ‘net, “Republican Voters Against Trump.” I think the Twitter site was created by Aaron Rupar (not sure about that), and the other was created by Bill Kristol and friends.

    There are hundreds of Republican voters that are either not going to vote (those are in the minority), or vote for Joe Biden. The site by Bill Kristol shows a photo of the voter and their statements on why they’re not voting for Trump.

    The first day I found it, there were about 100 people; last night, it was around 400. Trump has well and truly screwed himself with a whole bunch of voters; it’s no wonder his voter approval is down to 38%… the only people who will vote for him (aside from the voter shenanigans starting) are his base!

    • Thank you. i love Republican Voters Against Trump and Republicans For The Rule Of Law. Along with Meidas Touch and Lincoln Project, they’re killing it with great ads.


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