This was totally to be expected. If it hadn’t happened, that would have been the surprise for the evening. Donald Trump had to tell the faithful that the election was stolen and there’s so much evidence. And here’s a new one: “The people get it more than the politicians.” Isn’t that interesting? It’s not a question of truth or lies, which can be proven, it’s a question of what somebody “gets.” Trumpty and his MAGAs are a bunch of lobotomized Luke Skywalkers. They trust their feelings. They “get it” that the election was stolen. And don’t bother them with having to prove anything, they’re too deep in worship.

The second clip down is my personal favorite. Trump is using these factoids to prove up something amazing and what he’s proving up is what a beating he took all over the country in 2020. But he doesn’t see it and of course the troops cheer and eat it up, what else? This is not a symposium of thinkers he’s talking to.

In the first clip the crowd dutifully chants “Trump Won” and he soaks it up. Then he says something accurate, “The world is laughing at us.” Indeed they are. Now the second clip is interesting. The crowd is pretty dead. Could that mean that they don’t have any idea what Trump is talking about, they’re just hoping for a miracle? I honestly have no idea.

Here’s a couple of tidbits: the bottom clip is the Democrats endorsing murder, that’s interesting and the top clip is fear mongering about the Afghans. If the Democrats don’t kill you, the Afghans will, I guess.

This next pair is good. Trump goes on about his approval rating, 53%, which is interesting since he’s not in office anymore. At least, not in this dimension. Cut the Twilight Zone music.

The second clip is about how the reconciliation bill will “end America as we know it.” Listen to how he tells Republicans to “stay strong.”

And then he went to critical race theory. A writer at New York Magazine captured the essence of that dirge, pure Dr. Suess.

That’s the gist of the lunacy for this evening. As you shake your head, bear in mind that this is the 2024 front runner for the GOP. DeSantis and Pence may be doing an understudy bit in the wings and hoping that they get to go on, but if the prima donna keeps his word and takes the stage, this is what you’re going to be hearing non stop in 2023, possibly worse.

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  1. Trump “The whole world is laughing at us”.
    Actually the whole world is laughing at Trump (and keeping their fingers crossed he contests the next election from a prison cell or a psych ward)

  2. He needs to win so much that he can’t stop lying about 2020 (and 2016), and the lies just get bigger and more obvious to the non-cult members.

  3. I’m still waiting for all that explosive evidence concerning the birth certificate fiasco that allowed a Muslim terrorist from Kenya to become president. 5 years. Still waiting. And waiting & waiting. For Godot evidently.


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