You know, I like to think of myself as not being a vindictive person. Let bygones be bygones, All water under the bridge, that sort of thing. And I tried my best to raise my girls that way too. I just hope they learned the lesson better than I did.

Because in truth, I’m as vindictive as hell. I don’t mean I hold a grudge forever, and I’m not vicious about it, like Trump, who will spend a decade nursing a grudge, so that he can plant a knee in the cojones of someone who just got stabbed in a mugging. But when someone I really don’t like, and who really needs to pay for their misdeeds laid low? I can’t help it, I get the giggles, and a warm feeling in my chest.

And right now, if that feeling gets any warmer, I may have to open the apartment windows some more. Because today is Easter Sunday, a day of celebration for a Roman Irish Catholic, and Trump is as miserable as original sin.

Why? He’s down there in his Motel 6 golf resort, with chefs who were rejected by cruise ships, and mental midgets with more money than brains who are paying him $180,000 a year just in the hopes of seeing him. And he’s the most miserable man in the world.

Because he’s an indicted criminal defendant. A commentator on MSNBC put it perfectly after Trump’s arraignment, once the still photos were released from the courtroom to go with the live video from the hallway, Did you see Trump’s face? He looked shocked, stunned, and beaten. This was not a man who was somewhere he wanted to be, this was a man who was somewhere he had to be. And nobody tells Trump where to be.

And truer words were never spoken. I’m not a psychologist, but after 7 1/2 years in Trump’s head, I have a pretty good feel for the mans mentality. And if I’ve learned nothing else in that time, I’ve learned that Traitor Tot is impulsive and instinctive. If you want to know what’s pissing Trump off at any even moment, just look at his social media feed, or what he says.

And right now, Trump is obsessed with his current case in the Manhattan criminal court. Think back. Ever since the news started floating around that Trump’s indictment was imminent, he’s been o a bender. He jumped the gun by predicting his arrest date, and demanding that his supporters take to the street in mass protests. And ever since, pretty much his every word, either live or on Memorex has been a nonstop attack against the Manhattan DA, the judge, and their families. This is all Trump is thinking about.

And in the Manhattan case, Trump pretty much has the nightmare judge of his dreams. In most criminal cases the defendant shows up for the arraignment. At the arraignment the judge sets the dates for a future discovery hearing, an evidentiary hearing, and a pre-trial motion hearing before the trial begins. And for most judges, the defendant shows up to plead at the arraignment, and then he’s done until jury selection starts. Everything else is lawyers playing legal Mortal Kombat.

But this judge, from what I’ve read likes his defendant in the courtroom, so they’re fully advised and aware of what’s going on in their case. Which means that His Lowness is going to have to make more trips to Manhattan for procedural hearings he has no interest in. because the judge orders him to. And for as long as this trial goes on, that pipsqueak judge is Trump’s Big Boss Man.

Just for kicks, let’s dump some more organic fertilizer on his pointy head. As much as Trump wants to, there is no way to get away from this. Because as much as FUX News may be trying almost as hard to soft sell Trump’s legal problems on their propaganda channel as their own defamation suit, that doesn’t help Trump. Because this is an active criminal court proceeding, and there are going to be daily developments. Which means that Trump’s K-Mart lawyers are going to be going to him on an almost daily basis with updates and developments, and asking for his input. He gets no rest from this.

And it’s only going to get worse. Trump has lawyers the way a bachelor has cockroaches. Right now El Pendejo Presidente has another legal team working on the New York Attorney General’s civil fraud case, and that’s steaming towards trial this fall. Which means another judge giving Trump orders that he can’t ignore. And more conferences with another team of lawyers to tell him just how deep the kimchi he’s in, on a daily basis.

But Wait! There’s MORE! It is widely expected that Fulton County DA Fani Willis will announce indictments on a possible RICO case against Trump for election fraud in the first two weeks of May. Which means another set of bargain basement lawyers, and another judge that’s going to give Trump orders like a boot camp drill sergeant.

But it wouldn’t be dessert without Jell-o! Right now DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith is steaming full-speed-ahead with likely criminal charges against Trump for both the Mar-A-Lago documents case as well as engineering the Capitol insurrection. And that means at least one, if not two more sets of ambulance chasers in his ear, and at least one, if not two more federal judges ready to lead him around like a puppy on a choker chain.

You know, ever since the Cheeto Prophet left office, and all of these legal problems have bubbled up, the one thing that everybody has been universal on is accountability for Trump. And for most people, that means prison time. And nobody wants to see that more than I do. Lock him up and throw away the key!

But my friends, this is what practical accountability looks like. Trump is a purported billionaire, but his life is no longer his own. Sure, he can still pootle out on the links of Mar-A-Lago, or Bedminster if he relocates next week, but he’ll be golfing waiting for the next cell phone call giving him the latest legal bad news. And he’ll be constantly twitching waiting for the next phone phone call that tells him he must be in Manhattan, or Washington DC, or Atlanta Georgia for a newly scheduled court appearance.

The way I look at it, regardless of what happens from here on out, Trump is never going to have another good day for the rest of his life. The Thanksgiving turkey will taste like sawdust. The Christmas presents will be lame. New Year’s Eve will be nothing but the welcoming of a new year that will assuredly be worse than the one he just rang out.

Legally speaking, Trump is now a rat in a cage. Mentally speaking, Trump is now a rat in a maze. There is no joy in Mudville, Mighty Casey has struck out. And you know what? I can live with that. For the first time since inauguration day of 2017, I really feel pretty good.

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  1. Murph,
    I read you and I feel better:-)
    The world changed when that con man got elected. I still feel slimed. Actually, every time a Republican speaks I feel slimed.
    I’m hoping the party just disintegrates and blows away in the wind.

    • You people are on the side of communists people.!!! Have you people tried to live in a totalitarian rule form of government or communist country?!!! I guess you weren’t.!!! You are going to be controlled by your illegitimate demented president for life & his crooked corrupt gangs.!!! The point of no return if it happens.!!! Trump is not the problem, it’s the stupid people who wanted this country to turn into communism.!!! Trump is standing their way, reason they despise him.!!! He’s not a member of the WDC SwampRATS – not a politician- he’s an outsider not Republican nor DemonRAT.!!! He’s a guy with common sense way way better than scumbags career politicians – all self-serving – stop working for the people many years ago.!!!

      • The problem with you Trump worshippers is that you can’t see that he and the GQP are trying to lead this country into an oligarchic dictatorship. More and more rights are being stripped from us by R’s yet you think Dems, who want equality, fair pay, health care, and a country that lives up to the promise of the Constitution, are the problem. Wake up.

      • Nice to hear the “bla bla bla” drone from another deranged sycophant of the disgraced leader. After gorging on its daily feast of idiocy from Fox & Fiends, this abi-normal human feels the over-powering need to share (on any forum it can find) the big-words it has learned, before crawling back in its cave to mope.

      • Nancy, are you a real person or a bot? If you are real, I apologize, but you just have no concept of reality. I genuinely and honestly suggest you start watching less Fox, and read more newspapers from all over the world to get a truer sense of who Trump is and the damage he has done.

      • Trump is a lawless criminal, has been forever! Everything you say Biden & Dem’s are, is RW PROJECTION! RW use “Hitler’s Handbook” since the beginning! Trump’s “followers” need to do RESEARCH, Trump’s father, a KNOWN Nazi, WW2 collaborator & profiteer! You are clueless & believe everything u hear coming from these White Nationalists! You must like to appear stupid/naive! Educate yourself! What u think or hear, about Trump, doesn’t make it the truth! Follow the money, who profits from Trump’s 1.7 Trillion tax breaks for the Corp’ RICH?

        • Unless it’s a stupid person that thinks they are smart and has real power because OTHER equally stupid people think that stupid person with power is smart! Trump is of course our current poster boy for this but he’s got plenty of enablers in our Congress who are as stupid and clueless.

      • I doubt you can actually define “communism” correctly. You ate reacting to.scare words. Democratic Socialism is not communism. It simply says taxes should be used for the general.welfare if citizens, do you:
        Drive on well.maintained roads for which you don’t pay a toll.every 2blocks? Democratic Socialism
        Send your kids to public school? Did you attend one? Democratic Socialism
        Use local.parks?Democratic Socialism
        Have a fire department with EMTs? Democratic Socialism
        Have police available in a threatening situation

        In other words,,Nancy sweetheart , you don’t know what you are talking about, which is typical of Trump fans .

        • Rita,No. quite sane.. But if you support Trump despite 30,000+\lies,,attempts to.weapon use the I.R.S. and DOJ against critics, reporters, Dems, and tax cuts only for the rich+-well I hear antipsychotics work.very well.on hallucinations.
          You see,,I have the higher education (turned down a free ride from.TWO Ivies) and the skills to.tell.A good,,reputable source from a bad, biased one.

  2. Yep! And all this Republican talk of “the unprecedented indictment of a former president” neglects to mention the causative fact of the unprecedented election of a career criminal.

  3. you nerds are blowing smoke up a camels derriere. why don’t you show us all how smart you are by voting in another lecherous, pedophile idiot like Biden who can’t figure out how to even walk on stage unless there’s an 8 year old child to fondle. that’s where your slimy feeling is coming from. Biden is practically a zombie, his mind is decayed and we are a laughing stock because you kids have no sense.

    • I don’t mind being called a nerd. Nerds are smarter than most, use their brains and actually create things that change the world. Go Nerds.

      Regarding Biden, I’m sure there are hundreds of video clips of your orange hero being a slurring, word mangling, stumbling, moron who brags about grabbing p*ssy, with standing lawsuits regarding his assaulting women and an enduring rumor of him raping a 13 year old. Yeah, the guy who wanted you to drink bleach and nuke a hurricane is the one to save us.

    • Hey Nuge, is that you?
      -mentally ill
      -no talent hack
      -serial liar
      -draft dodger jut like putins boner buddy
      -trust fund baby
      -plain old asshole

    • Well let’s see , Joe Biden has been a congressman, a senator and a vice President for eight years before becoming President . I think he’ll be alright . But you may need some help , maybe you should go back to school . And Pedophile ? You sound like an idiot .

    • Poorvdear. You call a man who has been married twice ONLY because his first wife and daughter died tragically a lecher, but support a man who has been married 3 times, and has been accused of everything from sexual harassment to rape by 25+competent,,accomplished, successful.women.
      There is no evidence on which to.hang your lies about Biden. the other hand has boasted of coming into the dressing room where underage girls way too young for a fat old man to have sex with legally, were changing in various states of nudity. He has stated himself he did this, which makes him man ephebophile, who likes young teens. Condemned by his own words

  4. Just a thought: He never gives awesome Christmas presents. He has bragged that he never gives,a,wife expensive jewelry or art to his wives that they would automat get in a divorce. He likes to regift stuff he was given and didn’t want. Supposedly he rebuffed Junior with his previous year’s gift!
    On top of everything else, he is a cheap basterd.


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