Man! Talk about feeling unloved. I don’t even want to think about what it must feel like to be lying there on you r bed in the ICU, hitched up to every medical machine known to man, and while you’re at your lowest, your nearest and dearest are over in the corner, talking about where to stop to eat after the funeral.

I’ve talked a couple of times recently about the Abandonment Permission Structure, a way of using former Trump voters to convince current Trump voters that it’s OK to drop Trump’s fat ass like an unemployed blind date. And it appears to be working.

The Democratic Convention was replete with a traditional GOP A-List taking to the podium to drop Traitor tot like a bad habit. Adam Kinzinger, Olivia Troye, border Sheriffs, the GOP Mayor of Mesa, Arizona and more.  Yesterday John McCain’s son announced that not only was he voting for Kamala Harris, he was also changing his party affiliation from GOP to Democratic. And in the last hour, former GOP congresswoman Liz Cheney just endorsed Harris as well.

It may be working better than we might think. Former GOP pollster and strategist and The Lincoln Project member Sarah Longwell has started a new group called Republican Voters Against Trump. in which former Trump voters, many two-time losers, send in video clips outlining why they won’t vote for Trump again, which the group is posting in digital ads. They must be doing something right, because the group is starting an $11 million ad  blitz, putting up billboard ads with names and faces in four battleground states, to be followed by targeted tv advertising. You don’t blow $11 million on something that isn’t working.

And now, if reporting in The New York Times is accurate, the GOP chickens may finally be coming home to roost, and are dumping chicken sh*t all over Trump’s head. The Times is reporting that a whole passel of prominent GOP establishment pillars of power are already starting conversations about the actual mechanics of how the moderate GOP can begin the massive cleanup to reclaim their party after an inevitable Trump blowout loss in November.

I can’t help it, when I heard that phrase massive cleanup in reference to Trump and MAGA, my mind immediately flashed back to that long ago line of garbage and dump trucks heading to the beach to scoop up all the pieces of that blown up whale. You gotta admit, the rhetorical imagery fits like a glove.

From where I’m sitting, this is just one more example of the Abandonment Permission Structure, and it may end up being the keystone to the whole thing come November. Here’s why.

A large part of Trump’s NON MAGA base is made up of Republicans who, while they may not like Trump in fact loathe him.  Their family has been voting GOP since Lincoln for Crissakes! And that’s the people the whole Abandonment Permission Structure is trying to reach. show them that they won’t be alone, that others have already taken the plunge and the water is fine. And to at least some extent it must be working.

But this is something a little different. It’s a more underground, guerilla kind of assault. Even if these cowards won’t attach their names to their comments, moderate GOP voters have a pretty good idea of who they are. And they’re the guys who have been running their beloved GOP since these voters turned old enough to vote. And if they’re already secretly, or not so secretly talking about cleaning up the whale, then they must know something. That’s why they’re still high mucky-mucks.

And this can be even more effective. Because nowhere in the reporting does it state that anybody is encouraging people to vote for Harris, only that they expect a blowout. Which means that even if these voters just can’t bring themselves to vote for Harris, that’s OK. If it’s going to be a blowout anyway, you can just stay home and sit this one out. Which isn’t as bad as voting for Harris, but leads to the same end result, especially in swing districts and states, where the margins will likely be thin.

And who knows? Maybe these GOP bigwigs are recalling the same history Democratic strategist James Carville spoke of today on MSNBC, If you want to change the culture of a party, you need a blowout. In 1968 the GOP won in a blowout, and the Democrats retooled their whole platform. By 1972 the GOP was riddled with corruption at the top, and in 1976 Jimmy Carter won in a blowout, leading to a general GOP housekeeping. 

But it’s becoming clear that this Abandonment Permission Structure is working, and the more the better. Personally I don’t give a sh*t why these guys are doing it, as long as it works. Whatever gets them through the night. As Rachel likes to say, Stick a pin in this.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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      • Dancing on his grave isn’t what I have in mind. During her happy birthday call to me my sister mentioned Harris in a particularly vulgar way so I unloaded on Trump and I’ll avoid TMI but will say it involved some pretty graphic descriptions of bodily functions. Man was she upset. I could feel the disappointment she expressed over the phone that I could hate Trump that much. I thought it better not to REALLY go into detail about the kind of suffering that flaming orange human shaped rectum deserves before he dies. I just left it at my hoping he lives for years, all of them in prison.

        • After reading your comment, I get the feeling you would be all for a Trump memorial urinal at the grave site in place of dancing on his grave. Am I right?

  1. Trump’s funeral?

    That will be a day of celebration.

    Unless it’s too far into the future, in which case no-one will remember who he was.

  2. Just a reminder that von shitzinpants’ magat base consider any republican who won’t bow down and kiss his sphincter a RINO, although what exactly a republican is these days is a mystery. So, all these “defections” are not quite the groundswell everyone is depicting.

    One more reminder: the red states are ready, willing, and most importantly able to throw this election to von shitzi. I would distrust every vote count in a red state just as a matter of principle given all I have heard from them since j-6. In fact, I would be surprised if ANY votes were counted in red states.

  3. Regarding Mr Carville’s assessment, but he’s full of bovine excrement or he’s teetering on the edge of senility.

    Nixon did NOT win in a “blowout” in 1968. Looking at the actual numbers, yes, Nixon won the Electoral College quite handily, 301-191-46 but, in terms of actual, living breathing voters, Nixon got 500,000 more votes than Humphrey. As for “the Democrats retooled their whole platform,” well, that obviously didn’t do any good since Nixon won HANDILY in 1972 (despite all the “corruption”–that was because the media didn’t learn about the corruption until AFTER the election; there was some reporting after the Watergate break-in but most of it failed to uncover the exact depths until after the “plumbers” were convicted in January of 1973–after the election). Not only did Nixon “blowout” the Electoral College (520-17, 1 GOP faithless elector cast his vote for the Libertarian candidate) but he won a clear majority of the popular vote–by nearly 18 MILLION votes (and this was after the voting age had been lowered to 18 and the Democrats thought would lead to a clear win from the 18-25 demographic but they only picked up about 52% of that age group).

    Then, in 1976, Carter barely won. Yes, he had a fairly convincing Electoral College win (297-240, 1 GOP faithless elector voting for Reagan) but that’s still a smaller margin than Nixon got in 1968, much less 1972, and in terms of the popular vote, he won by just 1.7 million votes (a *much* smaller margin than Nixon got just 4 years earlier, despite both a larger number of voters and a smaller overall voter turnout result; there were roughly 4 million more votes cast in 1976 but it’s believed the voter turnout was nearly 1.5 percentage points lower in 1976). The real irony? Nixon had to deal with a Democratic Congress through his entire administration and so did Carter but, prior to the Watergate investigations, he was able to work with the opposition to get things done; Carter had to fight the Democratic establishment who didn’t like the “peanut farmer.”

    • I never SAID that Nixon won in a blowout. It was CARTER in 1976 that clobbered Ford that started the GOP soul searching…

    • Yes, the GOP have been scraping the bottom of the barrel for their candidates for quite sometime, with the exception of John McCain. But he made Sarah Palin his VP, which canceled out his HERO status.


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