This just keeps getting better and better. Kreepy Kevin McCarthy just keeps running his rowboat over underwater coral reefs. In a swimming pool. And the flop sweat pouring off of him is only helping to fill the damn boat.

Up until now, McCarthy’s battle strategy is that you can’t beat somebody, namely him, with nobody. So he publicly threatened a messy floor fight if anybody tried to deny him the Speakership on the 1st ballot, knowing he had no opposition. Oh, Viggy, did you back the wrong horse. MAGAt Andy Biggs has now stepped forward to challenge McCarthy in a floor fight, telling him to get out of the way and hand the crown over to him. Andy Biggs has the same chance of being elected Speaker that I have of being named GQ’s Best Dressed Man of the Year. But it adds another level; of complication McCarthy doesn’t need, and doesn’t want. And now at least one moderate GOP lawmaker is talking openly to the media about reaching across the aisle to the Democrats for a consensus crossover candidate if the GOP can’t get their shit together.

And so McCarthy is trying to impress Traitor Tot, the real power behind the GOP House throne, by going on FUX News and trying to prove that he’s daddy’s little tough guy. The MAGA muck bills in the House are furious with McConnell and the Senate GOP for trying to reach lame duck solutions to problems like keeping the federal government open, and possibly even reforming the Electoral College Act and extending the debt ceiling limit before the end of the current congress. So Kreepy Kevin went sniveling to Cruella de Ingraham’s show to vent his spleen.

Look Laura, anybody in the Senate GOP who is actively trying to come to a long term solution with the Democrats on federal funding and the debt limit when we get the gavel in 3 weeks is just plain wrong. Just pass a short term resolution on the budget, and let us deal with it when we get the gavel and the power. All they’re doing is cutting us off at the knees!

News Flash!, Kevin. That’s called governing, a concept that you obviously know nothing about.  But Mitch McConnell does, and he knows that keeping things smooth is they keystone for his 2024 hopes of returning to the majority. And he doesn’t trust your workbench of misfit toys as far as he can throw them. And McCarthy’s whiny, sniveling little bitchfest was as pathetic and self serving as it was unbelievable. Because I’m willing to bet that McCarthy has already had another quiet conversation, with the best political friend he’s ever going to have, one Mitch McConnell. And I’m betting it went something like this;

Mitch! M’Man! It’s Kevin. Look buddy, I know you know politics, and you know I’m between a rock and a hard place here on this Speaker thing. So I’m going to have to go on FUX News and trash you guys for trying to cut us off at the knees by making deals with the Democrats before the end of the session. But just between you, me, and the lamppost? Anything major you can get done to push these MAGA morons ability to make trouble in the first 6 months is fine by me! Thanks, pal.

And there you have the two faces of Kevin McCarthy, both equally weaselly and insincere. If McCarthy is going to become Speaker, he’s going to have to sell his soul to the MAGA devil, and they don’t just want committee chairs and investigations, they want widespread destruction, and the tumbling of the government’s ability to function. Ready for a quick spin on the duplicity highway? Buckle up.

McCarthy is throwing a Trumper tantrum because McConnell and the Senate GOP wants to cut a deal keeping the government funded and running until the end of the fiscal year, September 30th, 2023. The MAGAt’s only want a short term extension until the end of January, giving them the opportunity to start threatening to shut down the government if the Democrats don’t start negotiating away social spending benefits in return for keeping the government open.

The last thing that a newly elected Speaker McCarthy needs is to be immortalized for a GOP led government shutdown in his first month as Speaker. If McConnell and the Democratic House can push that back to September, the MAGA Moonies may be less inclined to shut the government down when their minds are already on fundraising and preparing for upcoming primary fights. The same thing goes for the debt ceiling. If McConnell and the Democratic House can push that back until May or June of 2024, The MAGAts will be loath to drive the fiscal car over the cliff 5 months before a general election.

Kevin McCarthy is the single most sniveling, hypocritical craven politician I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying a lot. But if nothing else, he is proficient at his craft. He won’t mind walking over the bodies of former colleagues to get what he wants, and if they can help him to make his own path smoother and easier, so much the better. My money is still on a messy floor fight for Speaker, so the country is going to need all the help it can get. Don’t touch that dial.

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  1. He’s like the mayor of Halloween town in the movie about Christmas. He had two faces & his head would spin around to show the one he wanted to show. Bet he’s not sleeping well either these days. Maybe another pilgrimage to Florida is in order. Then he & his master can play a game of toss the catsup.

  2. McCarthy is a 2 faced, lying scum bag! I welcome a “floor fight” for Speakership and hope Kreepy Kevin goes down in flames!!!!

  3. I’ve said this before, Nancy Pelosi had some angry folks on the left. She kept them in the fold. No one got every thing they wanted but the majority held. who knows where mccarthy is going to get that loyalty. mcturtle is dealing with a different constituency. I just do not see a speaker coming from this coalition. Maybe Ryan comes back, ???

  4. Once more for the people in the back: Democratic inside straight. With 213 in their own caucus, they can pull it off with just five of the right votes.


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