Supposedly the yous and mes suffer from TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome. That is defined as a “pejorative term used to describe people who are critical of former president Donald J. Trump and whose reaction to him is irrational and not based upon his actual policies or actions taken by his administration.” Now the part I love is “irrational” and that’s what’s so cleverly addressed here.

But we’re the irrational ones, amirite? Hillary sensed this early on but she only scratched the surface with her comment about deplorables. She, and the rest of us, had no way of seeing what an insane cult this would become. Trump literally has a following like The Grateful Dead, who caravan from rally to rally. Some of these people are well heeled, taking planes or driving RVs all over the country to be at a Trump rally, all the while complaining about the price of gas.

And the weirdness doesn’t stop there. Here’s the latest installment from Last Week In The Republican Party. If this series is getting any saner, you wouldn’t know it by me.

What has taken place in this country is that people who were never involved in politics before heard Trump’s idiocy and they said, “Eureka! I finally understand politics!” No, they do not, because he does not. But who could have guessed how insidious it would be to have some buffoon simply making up lies about everything, from abortion taking place after a child’s birth or how drinking fish tank cleaner cures COVID, and have it be believed? Nobody would have ever believed this could happen before it did.

Trump created this phony persona of the billionaire businessman living on Cloud 9 with his mansions, airplane, model wife, perfect children, and it’s all a fraud. He’s not a billionaire — except from time to time on paper. We’re seeing first hand and up close how all of Trump’s businesses have been conducted with the public immolation of Truth Social.

I said last year that I expected Truth Social to be gone before the November election. That could take place the way stock is being sold short and dumped. Truth Social is vintage Trump. It’s based on illusion and nothing solid. It has very basic infrastructure, not a lot of advertising, not a lot of users (and some of its users are people like me who just go over there to gawk, not because we find value in the place) — in short, it’s got nothing to offer. It never took off, it’s not growing.

Truth Social was going to be a competitor to Twitter, and then when that was solidly achieved Trump Media would then become a producer of movies and TV shows, if I understand correctly. It was going to be a kind of mini Amazon in that regard. Nothing like that has happened or will happen. It’s all a pipe dream, like all things Trump. All of Trump’s cloud coo coo land notions end up either in bankruptcy court or being settled out of court. None of his businesses are viable, never have been.

In point of fact, this is the basis of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Trump is Patient Zero for this malady. It started with him. He’s the one with an irrational idea of who and what Donald Trump is. Not you and not me. We see with clarity who and what he is. We judge him by his actions.

We judge him by the number of Americans dead from COVID. We judge him by the fact that there was less jobs creation when he left office than when he first came in. We judge him by the GDP that he created in his administration and the one that exists now under Biden.

This is the right way to judge him and it is far from irrational.


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  1. “Truth Social was going to be a competitor to Twitter, and then when that was solidly achieved Trump Media would then become a producer of movies and TV shows, if I understand correctly. It was going to be a kind of mini Amazon in that regard. Nothing like that has happened or will happen. It’s all a pipe dream, like all things Trump. All of Trump’s cloud coo coo land notions end up either in bankruptcy court or being settled out of court. None of his businesses are viable, never have been.”

    The real irony is it might could have actually been a success *IF* Trump had completely lost the 2016 election (not just losing the popular vote but also the Electoral College). Of course, he really would’ve needed to probably work it the other way round, starting with Trump Media (to compete with Fox) and then launch Trump Social (or, “Truth” Social as he calls it) to compete with Twitter. I could see him getting investors in the media arm and then get Apartheid Elon to invest in the social media, rather than buying Twitter. Twitter could stay as a genuinely sensible social media site, appealing to the right and the left (and being able to block or ban extremists) while Trump Social could become the far-right nut site with tens of millions of regular users (fluffing Trump’s ego) who wouldn’t ever need to be “censored” (fulfilling Musk’s ego) unless/until they started posting absolutely unacceptable material, like the REAL truth.
    But, Trump had to screw the plan and get that Electoral College win. As “President” of the US, he wasn’t legally allowed to pursue his “media empire” dreams (and, you’ve gotta wonder why he doesn’t understand that if he had won in 2020, he wouldn’t have been able to launch “Truth” Social either) and not even his most ardent supporters in Congress would’ve been willing to give him the permission to do that since the President already holds a special place when it comes to the media: The President can pretty much interrupt any network broadcast at any time for a “special” announcement or what have you. But being able to start up a for-profit (ostensibly–we’ve all read how “Truth” Social basically been bleeding money since it started) company would be a bit too far since Presidents–and Congresscritters as well–have to put all their current business interests in trusts during their time in office. (The GOP didn’t mind trying to help Trump blur the lines somewhat with his existing business interests but starting up a whole new company while in office? I really don’t think enough GOPers would’ve gone along with that. Trump’s die-hard rubber-stampers? Yeah. But the majority of the still-sane brigade? Nah.)


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