This is really getting to be almost too funny for words. As I have reported, some of the most influential GOP operatives and deep pockets GOP donors are so down on the party’s chances in November with Trump and his myriad legal problems being a cancer the size of Oklahoma, that they’re seriously considering stiffing the RNC so as to not pay Trump’s legal bills, and instead targeting specific House and Senate seats in battleground states to increase their House majority, and retake the Senate, making Biden a lame duck on inauguration day. Yeah. And I’d like to marry a girl in ruby slippers too. It’s nice to have goals.

At least it’s a sensible plan, and one meant to hammer home the point to Lapdog Ronna that the mega donors are through backing this three time loser. But now there’s new reporting that shows that as desperate as the mega donors are to rid the party of Trump, they can’t quite let go of the wish dream of being competitive in 2024 either.

I saw reporting yesterday that the deep pocket donors are so desperate not to give up on 2024 that they’re actually actively looking for a white knight to ride in and save the day. And by the reporting, the savior they’ve all decided on is Virginia GOP Governor Glen Youngkin.

The reasons are obvious. Youngkin check all of the requisite boxes. He rabidly espouses far right GOP claptrap as if they were pearls of wisdom from the lips of the Oracle of Delphi. And better yet, while paying lip service to Traitor Tot, Youngkin managed to maintain enough distance from Il Douche to win a purple state.

When I saw that, I couldn’t help but laugh my ass off. Simply because there’s absolutely no incentive for Youngkin to jump into the 2024 GOP demolition derby. He’s just another vapid, shallow billionaire spouting far right GOP platitudes, and playing politician. But there are more pressing reasons for Youngkin to blow all of this bullsh*t off.

Youngkin is midway through his term, and in Virginia a a sitting Governor can’t succeed himself. Youngkin is one-and-done. And while he may talk-the-talk, right now that’s all it is, the Democrats control the Virginia Senate. Virginia has off year elections in November, and Youngkin desperately wants to retake the Senate, so that he can actually leave a footprint. Besides, 2028 is only five years off. Youngkin is exactly that, young. Why not keep his powder dry, make a name, and wait for an open presidential seat in 2028 to make his move. Write a ghost written book, do a book tour, go on conservative media, set up a national donor database, do it right.

But the real reason that the report made me laugh my ass off is that if it’s true, it’s just another example of karma coming around to bite the GOP on the ass. They’ve already tried this tired old saw, and it didn’t come out well. The thing is, pretty much nobody even remembers it.

Cast your mind back to the 2012 GOP election cycle. Barack Obama was President, and popular. As a result, pretty much everybody on the GOP side with serious presidential aspirations chose to ride this one out, and wait until 2016, when the seat would be vacant

Which was a clarion call for former GOP Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. A quiet, confident, affable sort of dolt, Romney saw 2012 the same that Democrat Bill Clinton saw 1992, an opportunistic way to sneak in the back door. One small problem. Obama was far more popular than George H W Bush in 1992.

Romney was a living nightmare for the GOP. Privileged and extremely rich, he committed the cardinal sin in reveling in his excessive wealth. Worse yet, Romney, as Governor of Massachusetts passed a progressive healthcare law, which Obama took great glee in stating was the template for Obamacare. Even worse, Romney was prone gaffe. On a primary road trip to Great Britain, Romney exited 10 Downing Street and bragged to meeting with the head of MI-6, the intelligence service the British refuses to confirm even exists. Then he took to the soapbox at the Iowa State Fair and proudly proclaimed that Corporations are people too, my friends. He put the cherry on top by being caught recorded in a closed door GOP fundraiser talking about how 47% of voters will never vote for Republicans because they like the free goodies they get from the Democrats.

In desperation the deep pockets donors of the GOP started looking for a white knight, any white knight, from the rolling Dempsey Dumpster that was the Romney campaign. And then they thought they found their man.

New Jersey GOP Governor Chris Christie. Brash, crude, photogenic, and a media darling, Christie was on his second term as Governor, and would soon be searching for a new job. He had national name recognition, and his pedigree was golden, including a stint as a muckraking tough-on-crime US Attorney in Jersey that catapulted him to the governorship.

But then the problems started. Christie was also young, and saw no benefit in wasting political capitol in jumping into the race in 2012 against a popular Democratic President, when 2016 was only four short years away, with an empty seat and a competitive Democratic primary to split the party. Then Superstorm Sandy hit, and Christie permanently sh*t in his GOP mess kit by publicly being seen bonding with Obama as disaster BFF;s. Christie sat out 2012, and 2016 is a bitter memory.

Why does the GOP keep doing this lame sh*t? Every time they’re faced with an unelectable slate of presidential candidates, rather than actually do anything about it, instead they go running around in circles looking for some miracle quick fix to keep them from looking like a bunch of dumb schmucks. It didn’t work in 2012, and it won’t work in 2024. Morons.

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  1. It’s all they can do. The “young ones” are all hip to the fact they have to get in, steal and grift all they can while they can because they know “conservatism” is dying and on its way to full autocracy. None of the “young ones” can get in and actually DO anything long-term so they have to enrich themselves in whatever sleazy way possible before the grift runs out. All they have left are the old has-beens who’ve been around too long and/or are just too vapid and loving on their “vanity jobs” to be of any real use.

  2. What I see is invest enough to keep it interesting on down ballot candidates and let the presidential candidates fend for themselves. If they are smart which has been proven long ago they aren’t, they come back in 28 with a barn burner.


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