The other day my daughter and I were reminiscing about her growing up. It might or might not surprise you that with my ex, was the one who did most of the nurturing, And as a comic, I quickly found that my skills to mimic were pretty good. And it turns out that one of my daughter’s favorite things was getting her bedtime story. Mainly because they laid there in bed, getting a Sesame Street gook read to them, every word in a passable interpretation of the voice of the original character. Kind of like a radio play of the 1930’s.

I mentioned the whole bedtime story thing for a reason. Because most adults in this world, or at least in this country have an inner child, especially where adult things are concerned. Just look at the news these days. Damn! There’s some serious, scary sh*t in there! You have to read big words, some of which you might not even know, and then try to make it all make sense. Wouldn’t it be nicr to hear the latest economic news, in language you could actually understand from Big Birf or Kermit the Frog? Just ask yourself, what is a movie really, except a bedtime story for people who are too lazy to pick up a freakin’ book?!

And wondrously enough, that’s exactly what happened today on MSNBC. Chris Hayes had am award winning economics professor on to discuss today’s latest monthly economic data. The professor kind of surprised Chris right off the bat when he related that one of the problems with economics is that people watch the results every month, comparing them like baseball box scores. And that’s the wrong approach, because economics is a long term game, like reading the chess moves from a couple of grand masters in real time. And then he laid a little magic on us;

Let’s just say that it’s exactly three years ago, and that you’re a princess. You decide to take a nap, but being a serious princess, you look at the new government economic numbers, then take your nap. Something goes wrong. In fact it isn’t until today that a prince kisses you, and you wake up. But still being a serious princess, before doing anything else, you look at the newest federal economic numbers.

And say, What the Hey?! There are some 2.4 million new jobs since you ell asleep, unemployment is lower by  almost two points, inflation is flat, and people are making more money. You think to yourself, Wow! Something really great must have happened to the economy while I was sleeping.

Not exactly. What happened was a global pandemic causing a protracted global near economic shutdown. This caused near record unemployment, near record inflation, the worst recession since the Great Depression, and what should have been the second housing market crash in 15 years. What you’re looking at is an economic miracle, only you don’t realize it because you were sleeping every day looking at the damn numbers.

And he’s right. Every damn word. When I look at it the way he explained it, I couldn’t help but remember the crash of United flight 242 at Sioux City, Iowa. I was scheduling pilots for United back then. In mid flight there was a catastrophic explosion in the tail engine of the DC-10. The shrapnel from the engine fan blades unbelievably managed to sever all three redundant hydraulic systems, something thought impossible. They had to fly manually. Fortunately an off duty 2nd officer deadheading home ran up to the cockpit, and manually manipulated the two remaining engine throttles to keep the flight stable. With no hydraulics they ran a perfect approach to the airport, manually cranking down the landing gear. But at the height of 8 feet, a sudden puff of 10 mph  cross wind tipped the starboard wing. The port wing dug into the soft grass, and the plane cartwheeled down the runway, miraculously only killing dozens instead of decimating the entire airplane.

An economic United flight 242 is what President Biden and his economic team walked into. But thanks to steady leadership by President Biden, sage advice from his economic team, and brilliant flying by Captain Jerome Powell of the federal Reserve Board, there is no 10 mph crosswind in sight, and they’re about to land the economy like somebody putting a wine glass down on a bar.

But United flight 242 was still a tragedy, because we all watched it in real time, and people died. That’s all people remember. Most people either don’t know or remember the brilliant teamwork and airmanship from the crew that kept flight 242 from plummeting nose down from 25,000 feet and killing all on board. And because everybody lived through the pandemic and aftermath, nobody realizes the brilliant response of the Biden economic team to spare us from 15% unemployment, 12% inflation, a housing market collapse, and flattening wages. Because none of it happened.

And that’s exactly how Biden and his surrogates should be handling this. Maybe they can hire that professor to go on the road with them. Because he has precisely the correct educational angle. K.I.S.S. Like most humans, I have little attention span left over for anything more complex than Candy Crush.

And it really is that simple, when explained in common English. And make simple easy to understand comparisons with the monstrosity left by Traitor Tot. Hell, even an untutored goof like me can manage to get the point across, even without the amusing Muppet voices.

Look folks, if you woke up today from that three year nap, you’d immediately notice that we have 2.4 million more jobs created today than we had two years ago. But what you’re not seeing in the 23 million jobs that we lost during the pandemic. So we not only made up everything that we lost, we added another 2.4 million jobs to boot.

Right now unemployment is at a near record low. What you’re not seeing is that as a result of Covid, we had 12% unemployment two years ago. But we moved decisively to get financial help to the lower and middle class Americans that needed the help the most, and subsidized small and medium businesses to keep employees on the payroll until they could reopen again. And as a result, we now have one Americas available to fill every three open jobs.

Which is critical because having more open jobs than demand for jobs means that unemployed Americans to negotiate better wages and conditions in order to sign on to work there. And as a result, for the first time in almost a decade, American wages are finally rising faster than inflation. The lowest 40% of American households now have more money coming in every month than going out. And that will only continue to improve as inflation continues to come down as the effects of the chicken virus and the supply chain issues finally come to an end.

I could go on, but why bother? You get the picture. Most people, myself included, tend to think of the issue of economics in a fluent, day-to-day manner. That’s because most of us live in a day-to-day world. What we have in our wallet, in our checking and debit account, the balance of our credit cards, that is how we live our daily lives. But the things that control what we’re looking at on a daily basis take weeks, if not months to make their presence felt in our wallets. And knowing how those things are going at a 30,000 foot level can help to calm us. HA-HA-HA! The Count says that you have $1,375 more in your saving account and $620 more in your checking account than you did three years ago! Ha-Ha-Ha! Spend it wisely. Come on. Feed your inner child. You know you want to.

I think you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. Great points Murf. And to think Biden pulled this off with 147 insurrectionists in the house, and a razor thin margin in the senate with two traitors he couldn’t depend on. I don’t know about you but I caught covid from my live in gf in January 2020. I recovered and have gotten every shot available since. He probably saved my bacon. That 300.week unemployment saved my apt. I could go on. It amazes me how stupid and ungrateful our fellow citizens are. Like you pointed out, can any of us imagine the hell we would be in right now without Biden having won. It’s still difficult given all of our PTSD from 2015 til now given the cancer of the republican ‘party’, but if Biden had lost, we would have all been in the crosshairs of doom. His long history in the Senate prepared him to deal with not only what had to be done, but the way it had to be done. Experience is the only true education.

    • Scott… my remarks & feelings about President Biden are similar. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN for his compassion & attention to his duty.

  2. President Biden has created an economy that just keeps saying, “I THINK I CAN… I THINK I CAN… I THINK I CAN…. & THEN DOES MONTH AFTER MONTH!! In a systematic way, President Biden has dealt with each problem as it has come up & spectacularly resolved them for Americans. First, the pandemic & distribution of vaccine so people could get back to work, to the supply-line backup, to the baby formula shortage, to egg prices, to gas prices. None of these problems were under Biden’s control, yet he set about solving them… instead of spending time finding others to blame like DON THE CON would have done.

    Biden also hasn’t spent a lot of time BRAGGING ABOUT IT & TAKING BOWS for his work… like DON THE CON would do. So unfortunately… he’s not getting the credit & praise & poll numbers he should be considering the spectacular job he has done & is still doing. So maybe he should be taking more credit & letting America know all the things he has accomplished for US. (Yes Donald… U & S does spell US. duh) So I will send President Biden a great big THANKS!

    Thanks to President Biden’s & DEMS economic plan, the American economy has rebounded from the Pandemic depression faster & stronger than any other country in the world. With huge job growth & lowering inflation, the economy is getting better every day. We have to remember that it takes time to come back to normal from a disaster like we experienced from COVID pandemic. So everyone hang in there… it’s getting better & better.

    The folks over at the Fox Propaganda Network are having a hard time finding a narrative to keep discouraging their viewers about what Bidenomics is doing for the country. One of the guys over there today was even trying to convince people that the huge job growth numbers are really a BAD THING. LIARS JUST KEEP LYING.

    • “LIARS JUST KEEP LYING.” Sounds like a line from Stevie Wonder’s Higher Ground.” It actually isn’t — but it really could be.

  3. Not politically related but your mention of the Sioux City crash made me think of a guy I once knew and flew with who died in it. It was a long time ago so his name might not ring a bell but Jerry Lee Kennedy was by then a pilot for United. Off-duty, he happened to be on that flight. How the flight crew along with the off-duty Fitch (? I think that was his name) who’d exerimented in simulators with manipulating throttles to control an aircraft in just the situation the crew face was an extraordinary feat of aviation. In fact, for all the attempts made later in simulators no crew was able to reproduce what that crew managed to do that day. Had it not been for that last second puff of wind that tilted the aircraft when it was only eight to ten feet above the runway most, if not everyone on board would likely have survived including my pal Jerry.

    He was only four years older than me and dated my oldest sister for a while. He kept in touch with me after they broke up due to my love of flying. Jerry at the time taught some at SIU (aviation and as a flight instructor) and often flew the Saluki athletic teams around on one of the old DC-3 the university owned before leaving to become a pilot for United. Sometimes my phone would ring and it would be him asking if I could get out to the airport (between Murphysboro and Carbondale) as he was doing a training flight with a student who didn’t mind having a “tag-along” in the back – if the training flight happened to be in a four seat prop plane. He was one helluva nice guy. Growing up in the modest circumstances I did I couldn’t afford to get my pilot’s license. Jerry was willing to give me the “classroom instruction” for free (except for the cost of my training books/materials) but even at that I couldn’t afford it as the cost of renting a plane and paying for the gas (even then) was beyond my reach. If he’d owned his own plane he’d have let me use it for the flying portion but alas, he didn’t.

    Anyway, my pal from “Rootin Tootin Newton” (IL) was the kind of person one encounters sometimes in life that reminds us there are really good people out there.

  4. YOu are a great writer Murph, and you look at things with a brilliant and incisive eye. Once again, and not for the last time, thank you for a very insightful and informative piece. You truly are a gentleman and a scholar. Oh, and like so many dads, I also read books to my kids with every accent I could think of. Now if only they would get off their butts and make me a “gramps” already!!!! Thanks Murph 🙂


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