If you know anything at all about momentum, the thing you know is that when it stops, it stops! Think back to your younger days. Maybe you were moving, or maybe you were moving bags of peat or fertilizer for your lawn reseeding. There’s two of you carrying the bags, him going backward, you going forward. One-Two-Three-LIFT! Now step=step-step-step and he goes, SH*T! My fingers are slipping! Down goes the bag, he stumbles backward and falls on his ass, while you stumble forward over the bag to your hands and knees. Good luck getting that momentum back. You end up dragging it the rest of the way, dropping it every third step.

Welcome to Trump’s world. I called it the Home Game because if Traitor Tot had to leave the house, he wouldn’t even have a game piece on the board. I wrote recently that a month ago Il Douche was in hog heaven. He was riding high on national sympathy for getting dinged in the ear in an assassination attempt, he was coming off a sugar high from a convention that unified and energize, anybody who never learned to tie their shoes, and the Biden campaign was in free fall.

What a difference a month makes, huh? A quick comparison;

  • A month ago Trump led Biden/Harris by +3 nationally. A new poll this week showed Harris +2.3, within the margin of error, but the sea change outside of the margin of error
  • A month ago Trump led in WI, MI, and PA outside of the margin of error. An ABC News poll yesterday showed that Harris now led in all three states by +4, again at the margin of error, but with the sea change well outside of the margin of error
  • A month ago GA and NC weren’t even in the conversation for Democrats. Today, both states are within the margin of error, and the Democrats are casting covetous eyes at FL and OH, both of which have Senates seats up, as well as pro choice ballot initiatives on the ballot

That’s just the national scene for the presidency, which of course is the gold ring. But Big Mo has a funny way of spreading. A month ago, the question wasn’t if the Democrats would lose the Senate, but how badly. The map was terrible. But again, what a difference a month makes;

  • US House member Ruben Gallego is now +3 over Brenda Starr in AZ
  • NV senator Jacky Rosen is now +5 over Scam Brown. And I can tell you from personal experience, Rosen is slamming Brown, who is radio silent on the air
  • In WI, Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin is now +6 over her carpetbagger Trump hand picked opponent
  • In PA, Democratic Senator Bob Casey, who like Jon Tester took one for the team to run again when he wanted to retire, is now +6 over his Trump anointed carpetbagger opponent
  • In OH, Sherrod Brown is now running +5 over his Trump hand picked used car dealer opponent
  • A month ago the only state that offered a whiff of a chance for Democrats to flip a seat was former US Rep Colin Allred to bounce Cancun Teddy out the door. But now, uber unpopular FL Senator Rick Scott is flailing, there’s a pro choice initiative on the ballot, and Harris and Walz haven’t even visited there yet!

To be clear, a month ago every one of those candidates was outperforming Biden in their states, they were already competitive even with Biden on the ballot. People wre separating one form the other. But now, let’s look at those same polls this week, after the Harris-Walz express has come to town.

Because here’s the McGuffin. Obviously, keeping El Pendejo ex Presidente from turning our republic into Hungary is job one. But it isn’t enough. Under his rule, the GOP is already a failed banana republic, and they have the performance artists in place to keep the Faustian farce going. As Trump and the GOP like to say about Obamacare, It has to be excised, root and branch. And so it is with Trumpism.

And therein lies the opportunity. A continuing Democratic surge behind Harris and Walz, through the Democratic National Convention, and riding high from that through Trump’s sentencing on September 18th, and into the start of early absentee and mail-in voting starting the week afterward.

And a Democratic tidal surge of enthusiasm, activism, and voter turnout going into election day doesn’t just propel Harris and Walz into the White House

  • It helps to let Democratic Senate candidates ride the tide to victory, keeping the Democratic majority in the Senate
  • It helps Democratic House  members and candidates to ride the wave to flip the House to Speaker Hakeem Jeffries, with a governable majority
  • But most importantly of all, it allows Democratic down ballot candidates to flip critical state Governorships, and to flip critical state legislatures, making MAGA irrelevant even at the state level

This is how you dismantle MAGA, root and branch. Don’t just bojo the MAGAt’s in the House, dig deeper and pull out what Trump would like to think of as their deep bench for the future, bojo them out of the legislatures, letting them go back to howling at the moon for the amusement of the other mental midgets.

I’ll close with this. Have you ever been driving with your family on a road trip, and you go down a steep hill, shifting into neutral to let gravity do the work, and when the car gets to the bottom of the hill, and starts to climb the hill instead, and you can’t get the gear shift back into drive again. and the car rolls back down to the bottom of the hill and stops. Well, you’re not the only one who has to go for a hike, everybody else in the car has to schlep along with you. And if you’ve ever walked more than a block with young children at anything other than Disney World, you know what happens next. Are we there yet? Don’t touch that dial.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. Momentum is energy, literally.

    Trump has run out of it.

    Let’s keep him stalled, and then move him backwards.

    You can do that when you’ve got the momentum.

    • Bojo is term used at dk … daily kos. Where I first saw it used. Where it originated… 🤷🏽‍♂️. Ursula might know better… no pun intended.

  2. Just a little correction here in AZ Reuben Gallego’s opponent for the Senate is the lying maga loser Kari Lake. She still hasn’t acknowledged she lost in the election for governor but she’s now running for the Senate! She’ll follow in Trump’s footsteps and be a loser again.

  3. sure ted cruz is running crises ads all over texas, but he is deeply afraid. Allred is riding the wave of interest in the Harris Ticket. Texas is and never has been a red state. it is a non voting state. Beto challenged cancun cruz 6 years ago by motivating non voters like students and POC.The Harris campaign may never spend dollar one in Texas, but she is inspiring voters to come out who historically have been depressed. Allred may distance himself like Tester from Harris, but he will benefit from her turn out. He needs it to win.


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