Ah, the good old days when Trump lies were appalling but comparatively harmless. Being such an avid golfer and since he was critical of Obama playing Trump like to brag he’d be so. sooooooo busy “Making America Great Again” he’d have no time for golf. That as much as he loved playing (and cheating at it) golf by golly he just wouldn’t have time. THAT was the kind of “sacrifice” he was going to make! Of course he played more than any other President in history, and by a LOT. Oh, and he racked up quite a bill to the taxpayers in the process, including funneling lots of millions into his own pockets. You can read details on all that here. So, when Trump says he won’t have time to settle scores color me more than a little bit skeptical.

As Mediate reports, mere hours after (again) telling the MAGAs “I AM YOUR RETRIBUTION” he sat down at a Town Hall and even Fox, given Trump’s continual “Festivus” style “airing of grievances” had to ask ask Trump about it. Host Brett Bair quite reasonably asked Trump about how much during a second term he’d spend time settling scores, getting even with those who he feels have wronged him. Trump after all is well-known to nurse grudges for years and the powers of the Presidency should one choose to abuse them offer the ultimate ability to screw other’s over. Trump’s response was:

“Well, first of all, a lot of people would say that that’s not so bad,” said the GOP frontrunner. After bringing up several of his political gripes from over the years, Trump said “I’m not going to have time for retribution. We’re gonna make this country so successful again. I’m not gonna have time for retribution. And remember this, our ultimate retribution is success.”

Sure Donald. You’ll let bygones be bygones and focus on helping American’s lead better lives. Right after they’ve bought a year’s supply of Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka to wash them down with and bought lifetime passes on Trump Airlines. Of course he’ll be focused on not just settling scores but ruining lives in the process, and by lives I mean not just specific individuals but their family, friends etc. too!  Like the bullshit about not golfing, he’ll do the opposite of what he’s saying while campaigning. Talk about telegraphing your punch! My “granny” could beat the snot out of Trump if he had the guts to fight, and she’s been dead and buried over thirty years.

I swear this asshat has so many “tells” I’d love to play poker with him in a casino he doesn’t own. I’m a man of quite limited means and there’s a general notion that one shouldn’t play poker, at least not for real stakes with someone richer than you – because they can afford to bluff you out of  your life. Or your life savings at least.  A grade school kid could take Trump at the poker table. So, we know damn well Trump is lying when he says he’ll be too busy to engage in retribution (which I think has become a buzzword for him lately – he’s like that) because that’s EXACTLY what he’ll start doing on “Day One.” The “only one day” for which he claims he’ll play dictator. (That will be one long f**king day. It will never end!)

Hell, it’s been credibly reported he’s got a Nixon style enemies list and he adds to it daily I’m sure. At least we can console ourselves with the thought that given all his legal troubles all Trump has time to do is add names to his list instead of orchestrating all that retribution. He’ll want it to be personal as hell. (Of course) Oh my, if he wants to work on THAT he might not have as much time to play golf when not browbeating his lawyers into making hopelessly dumbass arguments in court. “Oh the humanity!”

Well, of this I’m certain. Trump DOES have a list of people he intends to “get”, sort of like he’s Santa’s evil and opposite twin. And, should he somehow get another crack at being President not a day will go by when he won’t get him some good old public revenge on somebody. He’s just told us, albeit in his own way that’s EXACTLY what he’s planning on doing.


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  1. Retribution: a new word tRump just learned and can pronounce, it feels good in his mouth and he loves the meaning; like a pet, he’s taking it out daily for exercise. What a transparent moron.

  2. Yes, as usual, what he says he won’t do – and what he accuses others of doing are ALWAYS exactly what he did, does, or plans to do.

    Other than greed, it’s his only drive.

  3. “Retribution” is too.big a word for him, which is the dead giveaway that someone else wrote that response. Now if you’d ask homes if he meant to “get” all his enemies, he would deny it but with a pucker of his little facial rectal.orifice and a red gleam in his little puckered eyes so.you would know he is just kidding because of course he is gonna go full on Hitler between his inauguration and the inaugural.ball, with his two hour nap time coming after signing orders for the F.B.I. or maybe his answer to the SS ( and I don’t mean the Secret Service) to.arrest them all.


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