I was out this afternoon with Teri, so I haven’t had much time to peruse all of the details of Dominion’s $787 million settlement with FUX News. but it really doesn’t matter. Rupert Murdoch’s days in charge of FUX News are numbered, and you don’t need a Casio calculator to keep track of them.

Because this has been nothing but an unmitigated disaster for FUX, and while it may not be fatal, their stock is damaged, and their reputation is now right down there with Clarence the pig. And since Rupert Murdoch likes to portray that he personally is FUX news, then there’s no real question where the bucket of sh*t gets dumped.

If I read correctly, Dominion settled for some $787.5 million. That’s about 1/2 of the $1.6 billion Dominion asked for in the suit. And my friends, that’s management and legal malpractice. With a few concessions, and a little message massaging in the text, FUX News could have had this same settlement six months ago, before the case entered the discovery phase!

And that discovery is what killed FUX. Instead of engineering a settlement, FUX’s lawyers played parlor trick with redactions, and hide-the-salami with evidence production. Fortunately the Dominion lawyers repeatedly caught them red handed at it, which superiorly pissed off the judge.

Which led the judge to arbitrarily release a treasure trove of FUX internal documents to the public. And those documents were devastating. They showed that FUX’s prime time talent were nothing more than shallow, vapid hypocrites, sneering at their own viewers, and ridiculing their idiotic guests. They all freely admitted that the whole Dominion voting machine scam was bullsh*t.

And it showed that FUX management was desperate to stop the bleeding of both viewership, as well as advertising following the 2020 election. Journalistic integrity be damned. Their revenues were down, viewers were abandoning them, and something had to be done. And if that meant broadcasting Q-Anon froot-loop conspiracies as God’s given truth, then so be it.

It’s simple. FUX couldn’t afford to go to trial. Playing fast and loose with the evidence caused the judge to strip in pre-trial motions of their greatest weapon at trial. And that weapon was newsworthiness. After 1st Amendment Rights, FUX’s best defense was newsworthiness. Basically the defense was that FUX is a news channel, and a lot of famous people were spouting out insane sh*t, so that made it newsworthy, whether it was true or not. And the judge said, Not in my courtroom, boyo.

And here’s the other reason that FUX couldn’t go to trial. The judge had already ruled that Murdoch, his monkey spawn, and two more FUX board members, including former Speaker Paul Ryan could be forced to testify by Dominion. And that would mean actual board members having to disclose confidential, internal discussions on the rather thorny problem of journalistic integrity and corporate responsibility. And since we already know that FUX did, the conclusions the board reached are foregone.

Here’s why Rupert Murdoch has to go, and now. Once the Dominion lawsuit broke publicly, the FUX board’s hands were pretty well tied. To jettison Murdoch at that point would pretty much be an admission of guilt, weakening their position both legally as well as in the media. FUX had no real choice but to defend Murdoch and his idiot son for as long as the issue was pending.

But the resolution of this lawsuit doesn’t let FUX off of the hook, not by a long shot. Because waiting in the wings is a $1.2 billion Smartmatic Software lawsuit against FUX for the same. damn. thing. And the FUX board has a limited window in which to put not only Murdoch, but his imbecile son as well out to pasture. That way they can blame them for everything when the new lawsuit heats up.

There’s an old Russian adage, In war two blunders are not permitted. Murdoch bones the bow-wow when he let the Dominion case spiral out of control. The FUX board is going to want to clean house, and tell Smartmatic to go and chase after them! They won’t get off, but it could shave a little on the settlement. Don’t touch that dial.

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  1. One can hope that the board does so. Does faux news deduct legal fees ( presumably so, lawyers being lawyers and bizness folk being wise too) but, are settlements deducted? Now got to google and wondering what % Murdochs control share wise.

  2. can you explain to me why the Koch Brothers are in the middle of EVERYTHING rw? How Trump got away with bribing them all dropping inheritence tax. Why are the Koch bros, ok, more important, HOW MUCH ARE THEY COSTING taxpayers fighting THEIR Johnson and johnson settlement in court. How do billionaires use bankruptcy to STAY BILLIONAIRES. Why does the right concentrate on hating GAYS now, more than they used to anyway, is that a distraction from the koch types all ripping us off with Trickle don’t? Would inner Cities be as bad if we had just paid a decent wage and cut out the racism back in the 70s and 80s? It seems almost everything we fight over, THE KOCH BROS OWN, or fund the fights? Wtf? Sam Walton and Home Creepo guy kill mom and pop and now home depot guy is blaming the left for killing mom and pop NOW when he already did, the fact that repubs think the LEFT spends spends spends when it’s THEM. AND THE WHOLE TRUMP/Kuschner middle east NONSENCE where under him, an anti west guy takes over, jails or kills his relatives, BEHEADS OUR REPORTER, jailed women for decades for speaking on women’s rights, and Trump gets paid in golf, Kuschner gets 2 BILLION from the Saudi PRINCESS AND this isn’t a big deal??? They want to join up with IRAN NOW!?!? Why is the Dr suess book THE SNEETCHES a problem¿? How do people like Dennis Prager, and Jazz Shaw and such get to gaslight so often and why does the right bring up the 50s as a GREAT TIME PERIOD but never mention the tax rate was what, 70%? I don’t understand stuff…..like how people can read an article on electric cars costing POORER PEOPLE in California 400m over 10 years? But doing the math, and again, I’m NOT SMART, I came up with it costing maybe 1$ a year per year. Hot-air article leaving stuff out, implying that electric cars still cost 64k and touting that masks don’t work using a study that says “WE ARE NOT SURE” not , THEY DONT WORK. what the heck was their issue on MASKS being SOOOOO BAD or Trump putting Stella Imanuel (not talked about enough) whom he got from Ron and Rand Paul (ugh) on TV to talk about the virus, SHE BELIEVES IN DAMN LIZARD PEOPLE!!?!,!!?!?!?!??!?, Rand yells about Fauci, meanwhile their Dr group Frontline drs for america are making WELL OVER 20M selling worthless ivermectin and hydrocuckoo tabs, (last one because Trump saw a FALSE MANIPULATED 14 PERSON STUDY by a French guy who drops the deaths that occured) man…..stuff bugs me . I’m just venting I guess. just….UGH.

    • Because our nation became what it still is today: a country where you can make a fuck-ton of money and keep most of it…hell, all of it. It’s not about religious freedom, press freedom, civil rights, oh hella no. It is and always as been a place where if you have money you’re going to keep it. And the ‘pubes are going to make good and damned sure the uber-wealthy and even the not so uber-wealthy are going to continue to keep all their money.

      Let’s face it, what you learned in Civics/U.S. History/Government courses is bullshit. This is a country where it truly is all about the benjamins.

  3. Rupert could wipe his a$$ with 785 million dollars and it wouldn’t bother him one bit.
    On the other hand, 1 million would make you giddy.
    Just to put things into perspective….

    • No he can’t, because it’s not HIS money…It belongs to the shareholders…I saw where FUX will survive, they have $4.1B in the bank, but that $787M represents about a half a year of operating profits for FUX, so it’s like the operated for free for 6 months…No revenue? No dividends or bonuses or stock buybacks…And Smartmatic could cost them even more..Murdoch has to go…

    • seems off. 787 million is nothing to sneeze at. Rupert only owns 61%. he’s being sued by a shareholder for failing in his fiduciary duties which resulted in this $787 million toilet paper


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