Rod Serling was able to write Twilight Zone because as a survivor of WWII, he had cultivated two abilities, one the ability to see how the extraordinary co-exists right beside the ordinary and life can change on a dime, the other the ability to use the imagination as a means of escape from a reality whose intensity threatens to suck you in and overwhelm you. But Serling’s creative genius was nothing compared to Sheriff David Clarke’s, who has a few candidates for key roles in the government. If he keeps going with this, we might be able to cobble together a script, or a parody at the very least, and call it The Wingnut Zone.

When you’ve stopped laughing at the thought of Mr. I Kept My Underwear On, Trump impeachment defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz being the scion of integrity and impartiality, wipe your eyes and try to imagine Michael Flynn running the FBI. This is a phuquing  cartoon, but somehow Clarke manages to propose it with a straight face.

And it makes complete sense, his devotion to Epstein-allied Dershowitz and Russian puppet Flynn.

Flynn lied about Turkey, he lied about Russia, but absolutely let’s put him in charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Capital idea, that. Say, do you think there would be an issue with Flynn being a pardoned felon? Asking for a friend.

Just when you think you’ve heard everything, it gets dumber and dumber still.


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  1. I don’t think Flynn is even qualified for that job. (He got fired from his last government job. But that was while Clarke was misrunning the sheriff’s department.) Cooch certainly isn’t qualified.

  2. This is all too weird. I used to live in a universe where a lot of tom-foolery went on (it does in all the universes I glimpsed so far), but most (not all) of them had some basic respect for truth or reality. Apologies for my parenthesizing; it’s a sin in my original universe, but not in this one. Creative cursing was an admired trait, but alas, I am not good at it. Keep on keeping on (does that date me?). ?


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