Former drumpf speechwriter and domestic policy ghoul Stephen Miller flew out of his bat cave to flack for his Führer on the Ingraham Angle tonight, where he worked himself to a balding froth over the fact that a patriot leaked to the Washington Post the stunning information that drumpf had kept the disposition of another nation’s nuclear weapons at his flyspecked beach McMansion… for whatever the fuck his nefarious reason was.

Stephen must have has some poor Fox News staffer wind his BVDs tightly around his hairless nutsack, which is probably mostly indistinguishable from his face, for added affect, as his indignity at having drumpf’s perfidy uncovered seems almost genuine:




You could put “who” in there and it would still work.



Funny how that works.




Yeah, why aren’t Rubio and Cruz making the rounds?🤣🤣🤣

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner:

Somebody needs to hammer Steve’s coffin lid down tighter before he gets out again…

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  1. Of course Miller is concerned about the leakers. He knows for a fact that at some point, he’s next. The Bannon thing must be scaring the shit out of him.

  2. A cigarette & blindfold would be appropriate for this child killing nazi if the world valued justice. Instead he gets richer, more media attention & a cushy job in some think tank. What a fucking sick culture we inhabit.


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