“Star Wars: The Sidewalk Strikes Back”


On Monday, the West Hollywood City Council voted unanimously to permanently remove Donald Trump’s vandalized star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  Later that day, Mark Hamill who played Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars film series offered a suggestion for the potentially vacant property: Carrie Fisher.

The West Hollywood City Council unanimously passed its resolution calling for the permanent removal of Trump’s star “due to [Trump’s] disturbing treatment of women and other actions.”

“The West Hollywood City Council did not pass the resolution because Donald Trump is a conservative or a Republican,” said West Hollywood Mayor Pro Tem John D’Amico.  “Earning a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is an honor. When one belittles and attacks minorities, immigrants, people with disabilities or women — the honor no longer exists.”

Unfortunately, as Vox and MSN point out, because the Hollywood Walk of Fame isn’t within West Hollywood’s jurisdiction, the resolution may not amount to anything.  The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has said in the past that it will never remove stars once they are given, and that there are no plans for removal of any stars “as of now.”

Let the force be with them and move ahead with the removal and give Carrie her star!


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