If you read my earlier piece today on the frozen House, you read that Charlie Sykes characterized Hakeem Jeffries becoming Speaker as “fanfiction.” While Sykes inarguably has forgotten more about the Republican party than I’ll ever learn, the fact is that we live in strange times and right now there is a burning need for the House to become a functioning chamber again and government to move forward.

Couple that fact with the plain arithmetic, which is that Steve Scalise needs to persuade 107 people to vote for him, whereas Jeffries only needs five. The reality of the situation may come down to five Republicans who want to be Americans above Republicans (and who come from districts which voted for Biden, let’s be realists) voting for Jeffries.

This is not revolutionary thinking here, this is common sense.

Now Jeffries could easily have George Santos’ vote if he’ll only agree to protect him. I don’t know if that would happen, but let’s put that vote in play, just for amusement’s sake, shall we?

And there could also be some people voting “present” which could reduce what Jeffries needs. And believe me, I’m not saying this “will” happen. I’m saying that in a sane world, which this is not, this “would” happen.

So here are our options, class. And feel free to add to the list. Will we?

  1. Get the government running by five (5) Republicans crossing over? Or,
  2. Keep the House completely broken and paralyzed?
  3. Keep the House as MAGA hostages?
  4. Keep giving ourselves black eyes on the world stage?

The Republican party looks pretty bad right now. A bipartisan majority, cobbled together from both parties, and it would only take Santos plus four, would get us moving down the track again.

That’s the state of play. I have no idea what will happen. I think AOC is right to lobby for this and I think the entire Democratic party should join her in that. The big issue here is getting the government functioning.

And yes, any Republican who votes for a bipartisan majority might end up getting primaried. That is the way of these things. But here’s the bigger picture: the GOP is collapsing just like the Whig party before it, which collapsed in the 1800’s. That’s pretty obvious. A new conservative party will no doubt rise from the ashes.

MAGA is not going to be that party. MAGA is a bunch of slavering crazies with Donald Trump as their poster child. MAGA without its cult leader will not endure. It’s a personality cult, not a political party.

So somebody like Ken Buck, who’s in a safe district and a blue state, might just want to consider voting for Jeffries and persuading three other Republicans to do the same. Maybe he could persuade Bobo. She could look heroic that way. Or, she could alienate the MAGA support in her district and further seal her fate. It’s hard to say how that would go.

Bottom line: I don’t think we can afford to sit and discuss this forever. The GOP conference has made it abundantly clear, with the McCarthy debacle, that it can’t govern itself and the show must show on. Not the performance theater show, but the actual show, America must be governed. We didn’t elect 435 House members collectively to see the government at a standstill.

I give this MAGA hostage crisis until the middle of next week, max, before people start looking for realistic alternatives. Plus, consider this: a bipartisan majority would also be the beginning of the now-defunct GOP finding its bearings again and building a new party. At least in theory. We’re literally seeing where political science and political savvy branch off. But at some point, and soon, something’s gotta give.


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  1. I would love to look like a fool and have to do major groveling for forgiveness for AGAIN saying this but forget about “Speaker Jeffries.” NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

    Again, whether slapping myself upside the head however many time PZ readers decree, sticking my head in the sink and pouring a six pack of beer over it or whatever I’d love nothing more than to be proven wrong about that. So where does that leave us? I still think the most likely scenario is some person emerges, and remember they don’t have to be currently a member of the House. Frankly, I think a lot of those folks in what we call Biden Districts would be more inclined to vote for Liz Cheney IF Democrats would be willing to go along. Not that she’d be any bargain but on some huge issues like govt. funding and supporting our allies as well as pressuring the Senate to do ITS job and ratify nominations we could at least trust her to keep her word. At least govt. could function and those GOPers in for a tough race no matter what a year from now might have a fighting chance.

    Maybe some other gone from govt. GOPer would step up just to get us through the remainder of this Congress. I don’t know but I completely agree something has to give and soon.

    • Denis, sadly, not a horrible idea. I hate Liz Cheney’s politics (for the most part) but 1) she’s NOT insane! and 2) She actually comes across as a decent human being, and 3) She seems to have actual morals. Unfortunately, all three of those disqualify her for from being voted-for by these republicans. Thus, let me propose someone else who has a much better chance with people like Bobo, Gaetz, etc – Bozo the Clown. He would TRULY represent them. And best of all, Bob Bell is dead already a few decades. ANd of course, they’ll never know that, so we could dress Hakeem Jeffries as Bozo, and poof, instant competent speaker! That’s my plan, and I’m sticking with it!

  2. Realpolitik is one thing, but selling out to SANTOS? Look, if Hakeem can cadge four legitimate votes, surely he can cadge one more.

    • After reading Dennis’s post, maybe I should rephrase what I said. If Hakeem, can’t cadge five legitimate votes, he probably can’t cadge four either, so selling out to Santos won’t accomplish anything.

  3. I here one R actually asked out loud for Democrats to say what they wanted for a deal.
    Well, to start with, the word of honor of someone who demonstrably HAS honor. no deals will be made with serial backstabbers.


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