Look what just got launched out into cyberspace. This is new. I haven’t seen this before and I’m thinking maybe that’s a good thing. This is the MAGA cult god and now we begin to see why he has bonespurs. He doesn’t have any feet. Or, what feet he does have are buried in moon dust, or wherever the hell this is supposed to be. Melania looks well. We see that kidney procedure worked out just fine.

The locals on that planet are taking up any disguise they can come up with on short notice. We certainly don’t blame them, we only wish we had thought of it first.

In all truth, Hillary looked closer to that iconic image back in the day, than Trumpty ever looked like the fantasy on the left.

Only in America.

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  1. They’ll have to custom-build a suit for him. Standard suits aren’t big enough around the belt.
    And some of those “spacecraft” are obviously airplanes. (Did they take out her internal organs? She looks like some of the Escher Girls.)

  2. Doing a little checking, it turns out that the picture is from a comic book published by Antarctic Press back in 2019. It’s a bit disappointing about the writer, Chuck Dixon, though not entirely unexpected. Dixon was a VERY talented writer when he chooses to focus on a story but, over the past decade, he’s become a pretty outspoken conservative, typically complaining that conservatives don’t get a fair shake in the industry today. He did some EXCELLENT work back in the 1980s and 1990s at Marvel and DC (he worked on titles like “Punisher” and the various “Conan” titles at Marvel and he was all over the Batman “family” titles at DC–he pretty much developed the Tim Drake Robin over the course of a decade). He’d also worked at Eclipse Comics, on a revival of the WW2-era character, Airboy (as well as related books).
    I’m not really that familiar with the other two names on the book, Timothy Lim and Brett R Smith.
    The artwork on display comes from another VERY talented individual, Dave Dorman. Dorman doesn’t usually do “sequential art” (ie, the stuff you find on the inside of comic books) but, instead, the covers. His work has graced works like “Heavy Metal” magazine and many “Star Wars” books (not just comic books but also some of the mass-market paperback and hardcover books). The displayed piece is definitely lesser-quality work (it almost looks like he was doing a deliberate parody for the cover).
    From what I’ve read about the book, Dixon wrote it relatively straightforward but the interior artwork was done almost with a sense of humor (that apparently was lacking in the writing) or a lack of any seriousness. But there was a company (name eludes me at the moment) that’s spent most of the Trump years doing “Trump” comics that seemed to be parodies or just over-the-top (after Biden won, the company’s now doing the same thing with Biden so I don’t think there’s any genuine political ideology).
    But this whole thing isn’t really new. Back in the 80s, there were several independent publishers (mostly doing black-and-white comics) that turned Ronald Reagan into a Captain America-type superhero (I’ve even got an issue of “Reagan’s Raiders” and, as far as I recall, the book didn’t really take itself seriously–it seemed to tread the line between savaging and sucking up to the Reagan administration).


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