This is one of those moments where if you didn’t see it, you wouldn’t believe it. What makes this comical is that Michael Flynn, does this biggg leadup to the pledge of allegiance at Lin Wood’s rally. He exhorts one and all to think about the words they’re about to say. This is a big dramatic moment. And then Flynn “goes up” which is the term actors use when they’re on stage and they totally forget their lines.

But as with all things Trumpian, it only gets worse. Here’s Flynn leading the QAnon pledge, without a hesitation or a falter. Tells you which one is more important to him, right?

Lin Wood, meanwhile, gets crazier and crazier, proselytizing the Big Lie. And he wants to be the chair of the South Carolina GOP, that’s what all this is about. To use one of Trump’s favorite words, “disaster.”

Listen to this. This is pure QAnon.

That’s the QAnon line, that Trump is a genius in charge of everything and if it appears that Joe Biden is running the country, it’s because that’s what Trump wants people to believe — until he makes his big move, which is the The Storm. And that’s when everybody gets arrested, executed, bla bla.

It will be interesting to see if the South Carolina GOP decides to make Lin Wood its head. After listening to Mitt Romney get booed in Utah yesterday, in front of his own state GOP convention, I must say that I’m pretty much ready for anything.



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  1. The former guy wasn’t smart enough to think about what would happen when he won the election. He wasn’t smart enough to get into college without help. He’s far from being a genius – but he *is* cunning.

  2. I can’t resist having some fun with this. You shouldn’t either. The contest is write a caption for the cartoon balloon over Flynn’s head during this epic fail. My own entry is:
    “Oh shit. I forgot to learn the Russian Pledge!”


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