Shocking! Link Between Kennedy and Trump: Pressure to Retire?


Talk about learning of something a little too late, and much too little (soon to be remedied). Apparently, our “President” and retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy have some special ties, specifically ties that run through Justice Kennedy’s son, Justin. The younger Mr. Kennedy, that being “Justin” and not “Justice” – spent more than a decade at Deutsche Bank, eventually rising to become the bank’s global head of real estate capital markets, and he worked closely with Mr. Trump when he was a real estate developer.

What??? Wait. Really?

Yes, according to the New York Times, the two (Justin) and Trump had quite the history together:

During Mr. Kennedy’s tenure, Deutsche Bank became Mr. Trump’s most important lender, dispensing well over $1 billion in loans to him for the renovation and construction of skyscrapers in New York and Chicago at a time other mainstream banks were wary of doing business with him because of his troubled business history.

I don’t know how well the history worked out for Deutsche bank, but it certainly has helped Trump, and we know that when Trump believed that Robert Mueller subpoened records from Deutsche, Trump went on a tantrum that had him perilously close to attempting to fire Robert Mueller.  That we know.

We didn’t know this, also from the Times:

Allies of the White House were more blunt, warning the 81-year-old justice that time was of the essence. There was no telling, they said, what would happen if Democrats gained control of the Senate after the November elections and had the power to block the president’s choice as his successor.

Their goal was to assure Justice Anthony M. Kennedy that his judicial legacy would be in good hands should he step down at the end of the court’s term this week, as he was rumored to be considering. Allies of the White House were more blunt, warning the 81-year-old justice that time was of the essence. There was no telling, they said, what would happen if Democrats gained control of the Senate after the November elections and had the power to block the president’s choice as his successor.

So, wait, White House “allies” (what does that mean, John Kelly?) were “pushing” Kennedy out the door all because it’s possible that Democrats might get a foothold in the Senate next term? What kind of pressure are we talking about here, because that kind of chatter, back and forth, between the two branches, strategic thinking around Democrats is not only forbidden, but could almost be considered criminal, even leaving out the fact that one party has the ability to conflict and hurt the other financially, significantly.

What if Trump had been playing game with Deutsche? What if there are criminal underpinnings (co-signatures) to many of those loans – that would expose “Justin” Kennedy, and would make “Justice” Kennedy more susceptible to that pressure from the White House. And since everyone has known since forever that Kennedy’s seat was the only real “big one” (in terms of “shifting” the court), absent a sudden death or illness, this becomes more and more peculiar.

But in subtle and not so subtle ways, the White House waged a quiet campaign to ensure that Mr. Trump had a second opportunity in his administration’s first 18 months to fulfill one of his most important campaign promises to his conservative followers — that he would change the complexion and direction of the Supreme Court.

This needs to be looked into – now. 


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