You have to give Jim Jordan credit for trying. And he will try anything that anybody can conceive it, whether it has rhyme or reason or not. As you know, Melania’s mother passed away a few days ago. In any normal family that would be an occasion to put the world on hold briefly, but the Trump family is not a normal one by any manner or means. As a matter of fact, they make the Addams Family and the Munsters look banal and pedestrian by comparison.

So Jordan attempted to sell the idea of the bereaved Trump, prostrate with grief, and it simply did not fly. This clip may have been the main reason why. This was taken the morning after Melania announced the death in the family.

That was the next point to bring up, that somehow Donald found his way clear to go on Fox News and joke about how ridiculous that COVID epidemic was and people died, oh well. You know, shit happens, right?

To be honest, I don’t think Trump would grieve if Melania or one of his kids died. That sounds awful, I know, but in years of watching the man, he has never given any indication of caring about anybody — with the exception of Ivanka. He has feelings for her and having said that, we’ll just leave the topic.

Trump is worried about one living soul on this planet and that is himself. Period. End of discussion. Here’s Trumpty’s latest political ad, circulating along with his donation requests.

And while you’re here, if you can stomach Bill O’Reilly, here he is touting Trump and trashing “progressives.” “All my progressive friends are gone,” he Brays. We don’t doubt that, Bill. We don’t doubt that one bit.

As always, the only question that remains is, are there any persuadable people left in America? We are told that there are some Independents who have not made a decision. We are even told that there are some pro-Trump people who will jump ship when and if he’s convicted of a crime.  I guess we’re going to have to wait and see.

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  1. No gym bag, what is “disgusting” is your abject hypocrisy–you know, when you attempt to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of congress for not showing up (and he did BTW) after you ignored a congressional subpoena. THAT, like all hypocrisy, is disgusting.

  2. His relationship with Malaria never required an emotional attachment. It is strictly contractual: a visa and citizenship for her and her family,,whatever $$$ is hers after divorce or his death, custody of Barron in case of a divorce; for him, a hot babe (she’s not but he thinks so),a requirement she stay as such ( he will play for the personal trainer and plastic surgery so she can never look.more than 30), and bedroom privileges ( it only lasts 3 minutes with him, hardly messes ups the hair spray in her coiffure).

    • Since Natasha won’t even hold his hand…I doubt her knees come apart in the bedroom. Maybe his airhead attorney is now attending to the bloated monster. I wonder if she has some of that stuff Jodi Foster had to use in the morgue in Silence of the Lambs to block the stench?


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