Everyone should follow one hard and fast rule. In fact, nearly everyone does follow that rule except a few people in the Republican party. You do not compare any contemporary person to Hitler. It is one of the single most disrespectful things a person can do to the victims of the Haulocost and their memory.

But Sebastian Gorka (He is not “Doctor,” he got his “Ph.D. at a diploma mill) just violated that rule by comparing AOC to Hitler. No, he did not come out and say that any of her policies or substantive acts are Hitler-like. It’s worse. He made a purely gratuitous comparison just for the sake of making a comparison.

And no, I did not forget that it is also one of the most disrespectful and hateful things he could do to AOC. It is just AOC will waive it off. The victims cannot.


And the same sort of trick can be made on just about any day in Congress, where people give impassioned speeches. It is just that no one takes them and puts a Hitler speech overtop. We had to wait for someone as sick as Gorka to do it.

It shouldn’t be surprising. To top it off, Rolling Stone wrote this about Gorka during the Trump years:

“Our main concern is that Dr. Gorka is a member of certain anti-Semitic Nazi groups such as Vitézi Rend,” says Rep. Jerry Nadler, a New York Democrat. “There’s a lot of evidence that he was a member: He swore a lifelong loyalty, he’s used the honorific initial v., he’s been photographed with some of their insignia.” So far, Nadler and his colleagues haven’t heard back from the White House.

Perhaps that is why the reference was so front and center in his mind.
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: MUCH LEFT ADO


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  1. Goddam him for popping back up. I’d managed to forget this vile piece of shit, yet there’s his smug, ugly face in the news again. With his bought-from-a-diploma-mill doctorate. (But I bet Megyn Kelly thinks HE is a “real doctor” worthy of respect!)

  2. There are too many of these people that we would be fortunate to never hear from again. I was just thinking of one yesterday after reading about the latest vomit to come forth from Madge ‘The Real Horseface’ Greene. Remember when we thought Sarah Palin was the stupidest person we’d ever heard from (and what was wrong with John McCain that he would have her on the ticket)? Oh, that we could return to those days of innocence before the world filled up with people even more stupid, mean and venal, and who are unashamed to show it.

  3. An old nazi propaganda tactic called mirror accusations. That’s where you accuse someone of something they’ve never done and never will do but something you’ve done or plan to do. He a nazi. Figures he follows the technique.

  4. You just know if someone from the left had done the same thing with a speech of Marjie’s and inferred to her as a Nazi, the right-wing would explode (even though that particular comparison would be far more on point).


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