It is a tweet that will live in infamy.

Because so many people screen captured it before Spicer deleted it.

Spicer, who served in the Naval Reserve, called today the anniversary of D-Day, which I am sure I need not inform anyone reading here happened on JUNE 6th, 1944.

Yeah, Sean, and Trump’s was the biggest inaugural evah.

And, Sean, no matter what Belushi said in Animal House it wasn’t the Germans who bombed Pearl Harbor…






Every thing Trump touches dumbs down.


Yeah, but maybe lose the yellow jumper.

I feel ya.



Suits me.

Ha! Had to add this…

Nice one, Sean.

What are you going to do to top this?

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  1. I used to think that you had to be really smart and capable to get a job in the White House. That might be true if you’re a Democrat. But if you’re a Republican, particularly a Trump Republican, you can come straight out of fast food service and into power — witness Madison Cawthorn, Exhibit “A.”

    • For a GOP politician whether President or Congress Critter (and on down) being smart isn’t just a liability but a disqualifier. UNLESS you have a demonstrated capacity for being uncaring and preferably cruel to anyone who isn’t white and conservative.

  2. Well, we did just go through an intense runoff election – which the GOP lost. Perhaps Spicer’s wires got crossed and he started channeling Herschel Walker!

  3. Dr King dreamed of the day when his children & the rest of us would be judged on the content of our character. Sean you are a poor excuse of a man. Going through life lying constantly is a piss poor path. You’re not that good of a dancer either.


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