The guy you’re about to hear belongs to a sect which calls for the lynching of witches but even for these people it seems blasphemous that they would be calling for a Holy Trinity with Donald Trump at the head.

Or, maybe they’re saying that Gawd (as they understand Him. I don’t worship the wingnut God) will still reign supreme, but the Holy Trinity of “bad boy billionaires” will rule under him. Except then, it’s a Holy Quartet. Wonder if they know any barbershop songs, ya think?

The big plan here, for which all the wingnuts are to gather and pray, is for new rulership. Yes, you’re looking at a rulership of Elon Musk, Donald Trump, a third billionaire, (what about Kanye? that would make this sufficiently insane) and Trump will have supernatural powers, walk on the water, and so forth.

Now Elon Musk is a cultural hero to the base. Which is to be expected. He opened the gates of Twitter Hell and let all the banned devils back on the platform. We’ll see where that goes. We’ve all been holding our breath and it’s only been a little over sixty days.

What’s interesting here is that there’s a supposed attitude of God’s that the rich are superior. The Bible doesn’t indicate that and the Bible doesn’t indicate any favor on the part of God for the rich. Quite the opposite.

But why do I waste my breath? This is wingnut religion, not anything that you and I might recognize by that term. I do not wonder why more people are becoming atheists all the time and laughing at religion, particularly this faux Christianity.




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  1. He demonstrates that he’s never actually read the bible. It says a *lot* about caring for the refugees, the poor, the disabled, and the sick and imprisoned, but when it talks about the wealthy it’s telling them to give away everything they don’t actually *need*.

    • Also that it is daler – yes, and most will be people you never heard of.)rned near impossible for a rich person to get into heaven. That dazed and confused his disciples, who were so accustomed to rich people winning that they asked “OMG, if the rich can’t do it, can anyone?” (Spoiler Yes, and most will be people you never heard of.)

  2. That’s the version propagated by the ‘pastors’ of the even jellies “Keep giving to God, via me. because He really wants me to have a mansion, private jet, etc so I can spread the ‘good news for me’ gospel.”
    To paraphrase William Ewer:

    How odd of God
    To stump for Trump

  3. The doctrine of election so beloved of Calvinists and right-wing fundygelicals explains it. According to.them omniscient God picks and chooses who is “elected” for heaven even before birth. “Saved by grace alone” means no matter how good and kind and decent you are, it doesn’t matter because their god apparently randomly selects the Saved and you cannot lose your salvation once elected,,and works count for nothing. A sign of election is success in this world, blessed by god, so.they identify with the billionaires. Soros doesn’t count as a billionaire because he is Jewish and thus automatically destined for hell. Their god hates all the same people they do. Don’t to explain how some poor schmuck living in a falling apart trailer thinks he is Saved despite being a poor schmuck living in a falling apart trailer because consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds…


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