Obviously, Dominion’s $1.6 billion dollar lawsuit, along with the admissions in the texts, that the assertions were laughable, but their audience will believe it, and that’s what they want to hear anyway. There are other suits, too, that Fox must navigate.

But a jaw-dropping FEC complaint that was filed today could punish Murdoch so severely that he may want “out” of covering American politics altogether.

As was reported (but mostly unnoticed). Rupert Murdoch got ahold of Biden’s campaign materials and information and handed them over to Jared Kushner and the Trump campaign. The complaint was filed today. From NBC News:

A progressive group wants the Federal Election Commission to investigate Fox Corp. and former President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign for breaking campaign finance laws.

On Friday, End Citizens United PAC filed a complaint with the FEC arguing that Fox Corp. chair Rupert Murdoch broke the law when he shared Joe Biden’s campaign ad and debate strategy with Trump adviser Jared Kushner.

The exchange of confidential information was first made public this week in the Dominion Voting Systems defamation case against Fox News and the Fox Corp.

I don’t know the extent of penalties that could apply to this situation. Still, I do know this, former Trump advisor Michael Cohen went to prison over an illegal campaign contribution. It is easier to “value” a bag of money, but there is no doubt that handing Biden’s debate strategy to Kushner is a very valuable “donation.”
[email protected], @JasonMiciak

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  1. Send him to.the Australian Outback,where pretty much everything,animal or vegetable,can kill.you! Send his sons with him.

  2. I wouldn’t put much faith in the FEC to do anything, they are one of the most useless, deadlocked bits of bureaucracy out there.


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