Tis a hard hard thing he does, harder than he has ever done before. And what’s that? Why, show up someplace, on time, and sit there and keep his mouth shut. And why is that hard? Well, if you’re a narcissistic blowhard whose only desire in life is to showboat and peacock and be the center of attention, then to have to be a participant and let a judge run the courtroom, is fundamentally unbearable. Rick Wilson has a comment on Trump’s ordeal in the courtroom and a few comments about Mike Johnson’s ordeal in the burning House, which is divided against itself and might just come a tumblin’ down in November.

Riker’s in indeed Hell and Trump wouldn’t survive there for a day. But he wouldn’t survive in the most posh “Club Fed” kind of minimum security facility either.

Right-wing media is in double overtime mode right now trying to achieve two things: 1. It’s trying to frame these court proceedings as incredibly unfair and portray the “impossibility” of Trump getting a fair trial in New York. That does not appear to be the case factually. Factually, there are plenty of people showing up in the jury pool who are from other places and who are not all that caught up in the doings of politics or of Trump.

And 2. Right-wing media is busy portraying all this as ultimately good for Trump. He’s the martyr, we are assured. He’s so beloved and this will make him even more beloved. That is not necessarily how this is going or how it’s going to go. There is something fundamentally unsavory about a criminal defendant running for any office, much less the highest one that our nation has to offer.

And if Trump ends up a convicted felon, even if the case goes up on appeal (which is fully anticipated to happen, the reason being that it involves both state crimes and a federal crime, election funds reporting) then that is not going to look so meaningless as Trump seems to believe it will.

Remember, he lost a certain amount of votes in 2020. People who voted for him in 2016 did not do so in 2020. We saw a record turnout in 2020 and 2024 is likely to top that.

And this is not the only criminal case. Bottom line here, the cracks in the Trump world facade are starting to show. And they are going to get bigger and wider until they begin to resemble the Grand Canyon. If Donald thinks he’s having problems now, wait. Just wait.


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  1. So Wilson once went on a tour of Rikers? Maybe that’s what Trump should have to do after court adjourns the next time (and there WILL be a next time) he acts up. The judge should give the person there in charge a call and have a plan in place for a team to give Trump a mini tour. His Secret Service detail won’t like it but fuck em. Just a glimpse, say ten minutes would have Trump needing to change his Depends. And have extra boxes ordered and delivered to his fake gilded apartment in Trump Tower by the time he gets back there. I think it might actually scare him straight so to speak, at least for the duration of the trial.



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