I wonder where Newt Gingrich is right now. Anybody know? I ask because I so well recall his sanctimonious horror over the doings of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky back in the day. The pearl clutching was so tight that circulation was cut off. As horrific as they may have seemed then, Bill’s antics were so pale as to be boring compared to what we have seen and heard in the Trump years. And especially what we see and hear with respect to Rudy Giuliani’s latest tabloid scandal.

Giuliani is getting sued by a former employee. Passages from the lawsuit are coming out and they are as ludicrous as you would expect. They read like a grade Z level political potboiler/porn movie — if there is such a genre. If there isn’t, there can be one now, because by golly, I’ve just found the script over on Twitter.

Everybody grab your phone or computer and follow along. We’re going to do a table read on this epic.

That jumps right in at an interesting juncture, to say the least, here’s the lead up.

You read it in black and white, Rudy did it to “feel like Bill Clinton.” Okey doke.

I guess we’ll find out, if we’re lucky, about the media disasters that were averted. Rudy, when drunk and erupting with COVID-fueled farts, was a pretty loose cannon, literally. We figured that much but more details can only be amusing.

Only the best people, right?

This is another iceberg. Look for a lot more to be revealed along these lines in the very near future.

(A tip of the hat to Linda Mendoza for sending me the link to this via email.)

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  1. Selling pardons for cash?

    How the hell is that remotely legal?

    Unbelievably they were even more corrupt than we thought!

    There really are no depths to their depravity, ‘like Bill Clinton’ indeed.

    • I think it’s interesting that Rudy made the Clinton comparison. I’ve known people who have done what Clinton and Lewinsky did. It’s pretty common. And I’m not excusing it. Rudy’s spin, drunken, illegal, abusive, coercive, on and on, is something else altogether.

      • The depravity is not the sex act, but the hypocrisy behind the reason for having it performed on him, ‘like Bill Clinton’ , who they impeached for that very act, so ‘foul was it’s practice’ and so ‘abhorrent it’s use’.

        That wasn’t the depravity either, blow jobs are probably one of the more common sex acts, specially in puritan America where it’s often classed as ‘not real sex’ because there is no vaginal penetration. (Refer to Trump getting off the rape charge for much the same reason, an excuse that wouldn’t be accepted in the civilized world, outside the USA)

        The real depravity is the selling of Presidential Pardons. Undermining the justice system for their own profit. It defines depravity and corruption more than anything else Trump did. It should be being treated as the greatest crime he committed.

  2. “Thanks” for loading me up with that image Ursula! YUCK! That was not a headline I ever wanted to see. You mentioned Clinton’s antics. I’ve often said when he and Ms. Lewinsky engaged in was pretty much the kind of backseat fumbling around that back when I was in high school was called “parking.” Not that I knew much about fooling around in the car. Not because I didn’t want to, but even senior year when I dated some and so had a willing partner my notably greater than normal height made it extremely problematic to even try. Especially after basketball games when my skinny a$$ had sweated out five to six pounds (yes, I stepped on the locker room scales sometimes to check as ordered) and was destined to start cramping up in a couple of hours or less later. Anyway, what Clinton & Lewinsky did was “heavy petting” for the most part. And the GOP freaked the hell out. I’ve also often said that given the fallout from the scandal Clinton, and for that matter Lewinsky to have probably more than once looked back and wished that given what they paid they might as well have thrown a covering on the floor and grabbed a bottle of oil and whatever other stuff and gone at each other like rabbits for several hours. At least have a memorable tryst!

    Oh well. I didn’t even know cousin f**ker Rudy had even been going through a divorce. I really wish the Crypt Keeper and all news about him would get locked up tight in that crypt and dropped in the ocean. In the meantime, I need to unscrew the cover to the hole I had drilled in my head and dump in the Brain Bleach.

  3. If this were a movie script, we would learn that this woman is an investigator willing to comply with Rudy’s outrageous demands in order to gather incriminating evidence. The lawsuit spells out that Rudy made it clear that satisfying his “sexual demands” was a requirement of the job, so I don’t see how she can claim that she wasn’t warned. The real question is, will DOJ subpoena the recordings and other evidence she’s obtained?

  4. She should have parroted Andy in Shawshank when the sister’s,(prison rape gang), leader tried to force him into oral sex…” anything you put in my mouth you will lose”. There is no bottom to the evil darkness of Hell.


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