New Hampshire might be a replay of Iowa. In Iowa, it was touted that Trump would win by a landslide. And he did. A landslide of what, exactly? A landslide of a fraction of the voters that turned out for the Iowa Caucus, the lowest turnout in 24 years. I think some of that low turnout was due to the bitter cold and I think the rest of it — or perhaps most of it — was due to the quality of the candidates.

As you recall, the final statistics of the Iowa Caucus, according to Meidas Touch, were Trump 51%, DeSantis 21%, Haley 19% and Ramaswamy 7%. If you add the figures together of the Caucus goers who voted for somebody else besides Trump, the number is 47%. So, Trump’s landslide consists of a small segment of registered Republicans and half of them wanted somebody else. Now, take a look at tonight’s New Hampshire rally and you’ll understand why this is.

He made an interesting comment right there at the end, “DeSanctus is pulling out of Nevada.” Interesting. Because DeSantis has also canceled his appearances on the Sunday shows. He’s got to suspend his campaign. As I wrote here a few days ago, Jonathan Last of the Triad is speculating that DeSantis has no more money. You can’t campaign with no money. We’ll talk about that in greater length but right now let’s stay focused on Trump and people walking out.

And here’s how harmonious it all was tonight in New Hampshire.

Now here’s where we’re getting to the part about how Trump has played the media and the media is now playing Trump. The mechanism of political reporting is broken in this country. That has been the case since 2016. The main stream media didn’t know how to report on Trump. The real reporting on Trump, if the truth be known, was done by the feature magazines, and the political blogs. Outlets like Daily Beast, Slate, The Intercept, and all the political blogs, such as Crooks & Liars, Daily Kos, PoliticusUSA were writing the truth about this clown. (PolitiZoom wasn’t in existence before March, 2018. Murfster and I began writing in 2017 for a blog called Daily Sound and Fury which is now defunct.)

While the MSM was normalizing Trump and characterizing everything in their horserace terms, which is the essence of political reporting, they failed to identify the salient fact that the man was not normal and that he was insane. As an executive at CBS said, “Trump is bad for the country but good for CBS.” So the media played his game and helped him win in 2016.

Now, just the opposite is happening. The media is still playing Donald Trump’s game — but this time it’s going to backfire. They’re still normalizing him and doing the horserace thingy. But now, it’s going to blow up in Trump’s face. Very simply, yes, Trump is “leading” in these polls. But he’s leading in a political party that is on the way to collapse, even as he himself is on the way to collapse.

The polling numbers he’s pulling would be impressive indeed in a normal system. We weren’t in much of a normal system in 2016, when the GOP decided to self-immolate and put Trump on their ballot. And self-immolate they have. It simply didn’t take place in 2016. In 2016 the novelty act of Trump worked, a lot of things worked. The vagueries of the electoral college worked in Trump’s favor, the fact that right-wing media had been trashing Hillary for 20 years, worked in Trump’s favor, the fact that Obama had been in office for eight years and the pendulum of politics usually swings to the opposing party as a matter of course, worked in Trump’s favor.

He didn’t have any of that working for him in 2020 and that’s why he lost. Joe Biden is not Hillary. Trump had a disastrous four years in office. He demonstrated conclusively that he was a bag of wind and could fix nothing. So he had no platform to run on for a second term. The electoral college still worked in his favor, otherwise he wouldn’t have gotten even the votes he did, because he lost the popular vote by even more in 2020 than in 2016.

Then, as well you know, the Trump brand has managed to cause the GOP to lose in 2018, 2020, 2022, plus all the special elections. The GOP hangs onto the House by the barest sliver and a lot of their fringe candidates may depart in 2024 — if we’re lucky.

But the MSM still plays up Trump as a legitimate candidate and talks about his “landslides.” He may have another landslide in New Hampshire. Right now the stats are: Trump leads Haley 53% to 36%.

DeSantis is in the basement, where he belongs, at 7 percent. Another 5 percent prefer another candidate, are undecided or refused to answer. Let’s do the arithmetic. 7 plus 5 plus 36 = 48%. 48% is more or less half. So, another landslide in New Hampshire could be the same thing as the Iowa Caucus. Half of the Republicans who bother to caucus (and let’s see how the turnouts compare with turnouts of yore) won’t vote for Trump.

So Trump is basically king of an anthill, not a mountain. Because it’s clear as glass that if you have half of your party voting against you already, you’re not likely to do well in the general election.

Donald Trump was a circus freak side show. He managed to put one over on the electorate in 2016. This is not 2016. He’s not only a failed one-term president, he is an adjudicated rapist and at the end of this month he may lose the privilege of doing business in the State of New York — and be fined $370 million bucks in the bargain. He will almost assuredly lose or sell Trump Tower. We don’t know what could happen to Mar-a-Lago but since he claims it’s worth as much as castles in Europe, great. We hope he finds a buyer that will give him a billion dollars for the place. Lots of luck with that. And hey, some Saudi prince, maybe MBS himself, might buy the place for shits and giggles. Who knows?

Meanwhile, let’s see if Trump does manage to get the nomination of the GOP, which looks likely. And then let’s watch him get pulverized in the general election — which also looks likely. Or, not get on the ballot at all. Who knows?
What we do know is that Ronnie Raygun came unglued mentally in his second term at the age of 77. And Trump is making Reagan look sharp as a sashimi knife.
And the media is setting Trump up for this. Although, I believe he knows in his heart of hearts that he’s doomed.
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  1. Is it finally the beginning of the end? The turnout of the total GOP electorate in Iowa was paltry, weak. This visual is very encouraging. Right when we need it. Maybe these folks are seeing something very wrong with Trump? Even if they can’t stomach voting for Biden…..if they can’t take Trump anymore…….that’s a start. May be people we can reach.

  2. I need to see if any of the British betting sites have an over/under when Trump dies, because he looks like a dead man walking (unfortunately he’s still walking and talking). I would pick as a date for his death April 20th, Hitler’s birthday. If he wanted to celebrate Hitler’s death by dying on the same date, I’d be disappointed he hadn’t died earlier but I’d still be dancing in the streets along with everyone else.

  3. meal team six took charge of that situation.
    somone give him a maga achievement medal.

    he didn’t know whether to shit or wind his watch…

  4. I watched the entire clip of the guy getting tossed out. I saw a LOT of empty seats. Yes, Trump drew some impressive crowds back in 2016 but in 2020 and now he has had to book smaller venues because while a lot of those who show up are enthusiastic, at least for a while but then as you’ve written start leaving early Trump can’t even fill up the smaller venues. Over and over it seems there are empty seats and sometimes Trump is furious because the staff can’t curtain all that off and he is forced to see chunks of empty seats.

    Part of why I’m so harsh with the MSM is their REFUSAL to always find a way (the Trump people work to keep them from doing so) to pan the crowd and show how few people are at some of these events. Of course, what they do allows for lazy-assed “journalism” – some easy stories even AI can write about “disputes” between Trump and others about crowd size. If the people in the executive suites and boardrooms weren’t so fucking greedy about keeping their goddamned tax cuts for the rich they’d have told and SHOWN the truth on Trump about this years ago. That he can’t fill huge venues with screaming MAGAs since 2016, that his people realized this and started booking much smaller ones, and that Trump can’t even fill THOSE!

    And, as this article points out it’s routine, ROUTINE for people (not just a handful either) to get bored and leave long before Trump finishes his incoherent ramblings.

    • Over 50,000 votes for Trump and only in the single digit thousands for his Republican opponents! I’d say that’s a pretty good ratio of Trump voters. And what’s more, it echos the statistical ratio of every poll/survey! Bash him if you will, but don’t underestimate the Trump Triumphant Turnout for every election…including the November showdown!!!!

    • And none of the MSM bothers to provide a single quote of the gibberish he spouts. That part is truly criminal, not just lazy.

      And then they also neglect to even mention the good things President Biden says and does. Yes, Rachael got it right: “Watch what they do, not [only] what they say.”

  5. Hey realtor…how much is that gaudy 1930s pile of black mold and bedbugs? No. I meant to ask what are your sellers going to give me to take it off their hands? I plan to raze it and make it into Bailey Park…with beautiful small houses for immigrants. The neighbors are on board with any plan to get rid of it’s present owner. They’re tired of hearing YMCA blasting every night, and the way those 40 something year old women are dressed, they believe there’s a brothel being run for aging mobsters. How much?

  6. But are those people leaving because they’re tired of him or just tired and need to get to bed. Something tells me they’re going to vote for him no matter how redundant and boring his rallies have become.

  7. Well…….. Here in Australia I find watching Donald Trump akin to watching a comedian at a theatre, so I see the MAGA as some comical program people are going to see, not a serious political rally and voting.
    If Trump wins this year’s US election for POTUS.
    Then, little Rocket Man, Xi Dingping ( yes I know it starts with a J) then there is Vlad the lad and a couple of small wannabes will be pissing themselves laughing.

  8. The 2016 election was between one of the most despised women/pols in the country and someone most rational people knew was a liar and a fool. Had Hillary not been on the ticket, I seriously doubt dingleberry would have won. Granted, colmey’s stupidity didn’t help matters but I heard too many people who voted for Obama state they just couldn’t vote for Hillary: they didn’t trust her.

    Would’a, should’a, could’a I guess-we’ll never really know.


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