It’s just a report based on an anonymous source, mind you, yet the prospect of Putin possibly fleeing Moscow one step ahead of a pike-wielding crowd is just to delicious not to share…

Daily Beast

“Russia’s Vladimir Putin and his cronies already have a plan in place to flee the country once things go sideways, a former aide to the Russian president has claimed.

Abbas Gallyamov, a former speechwriter for Putin, made the astounding claim on Telegram early Wednesday, citing an unnamed source that he said had “insider” information on the whole affair.

The evacuation plan, according to Gallyamov, got underway back in the spring, when it was unofficially dubbed “Noah’s Ark.”

“As the name implies, it’s about a search for new land to go to in case it becomes completely uncomfortable in the homeland. The leader’s entourage has not ruled out that he will lose the war, be stripped of power, and have to urgently evacuate somewhere,” Gallyamov wrote…

…In particular, a source was quoted saying, Russian officials have snatched up property on Venezuela’s Margarita Island, where they are confident they’ll be safe from extradition.

Be sure to pack that sunblock, Vlad, that summer sun on Margarita Island can play hell with one of your pasty complexion.

And I wouldn’t be too concerned that Ukrainian Special Forces will catch up to you on the beach in any case… I am sure they will forgive and forget…

Newsweek has additional details:

“Gallyamov, who has been living in exile in Israel since 2018, said his source told him that Yury Kurilin, the vice president and chief of staff of Russian energy company Rosneft, is “the man on the ground” making all the arrangements for a potential evacuation to Venezuela…

…Unfortunately, my source does not know any other details, however, what has been said is enough to understand: when they [Russia] say that ‘everything is going according to plan,’ it makes sense to clarify which one. They seem to have more than one plan,” Gallyamov concluded.”

Yes, it is always good to have a back-up plan, Vlad, though I doubt the Ukrainian army, as good as it is, can do what Napoleon and Hitler could not – occupy Moscow and pull you kicking and screaming from the Kremlin though your own people or generals just might be able to do just that.

And, oh, Vlad, the Kremlin has lots of windows… might want to stay away from those.

I have read you are a great one for historical analogies; you thought that your “conquest” of Ukraine would lead you to be compared favorably with Peter the Great and Stalin.

Yet, Tsar Peter never had to flee to South America from his own people, and Stain died peacefully in his bed.

Looks like you don’t measure up at all, pipsqueak.

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  1. You’re right, it is pretty delicious to think about. My thinking is, Putin’s health is seemingly on the decline. I don’t think he would survive to retake power in Russia. Perhaps his underlings would carry on the tradition. (not something I wish for)

  2. I don’t buy it. No way would Putin be stupid enough to run to an island off the coast of Venezuela. That would put him so close to the United States that the idea of protection from extradition would be meaningless. The US military could just go in there with a special ops team and get him any time we felt like it without even breaking a sweat. We could be in and out of there and back in the states before anyone in Venezuela could even figure out what was happening. Putin would be in a CIA black site before you could blink.

    • I agree – and that island is not big enough for him to hide in anyway – all the locals would know exactly where he was & could just lead any curious person right there to his front gate ! I think thy whole story is just fiction myself. Somewhere like Uruguay is more likely.

  3. I have consulted with my top level advisors, Jim and Jack, and we will be releasing a proposal that will appease EVERYONE involved.

    Putin and Trump are deposited onto an island in the Caribbean together. Jeff Probst shows up and hands them a flint and a scroll and the promise of a million dollars for whichever one survives the longest.

    Of course their is no million dollars. Also, no plate of Big Macs, no pitcher of Diet Coke. Also, there are no cameras or film crew, no audience, Probst disappears after that initial appearance. The world moves on and no one cares about them.

    Roll credits.


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