We’re at an interesting political crossroads in America. One major political party quietly blinked out of existence back in 2015 because it had a vacuum of leadership and so into that vacuum appeared a reality TV buffoon who managed to sell himself as something new, exciting and untried. He was untried, that much is certain. He had zero political background and he was nowhere near the towering business magnate that he professed himself to be. But he was good at TV and was known for his 14 years on a prime time show and so he managed to get himself elected president of the United States. After four horrible years, he was defeated.

Now he’s running again, and if anything, there’s more reason to fear him than before. He’s gotten indicted four times in four different jurisdictions, which is something that even Al Capone didn’t manage to achieve. The primaries in his party indicated a strong headwind against him, as double digits of primary voters voted for somebody else. So it would seem that this clown could lose again.

But there is yet another clown, side show Bob, as some people call him. Yes, we speak of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. His father was a luminary in his day. So was his Uncle Jack, who was this nation’s 35th president. Their two assassinations, plus that of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., marked the 60’s as the violent, tragic decade that it was.

Side show Bob knows he has no path to victory but he’s hoping to use his family name to bleed votes away from Joe Biden and restore Donald Trump to power. If Satan decided to reincarnate as a political personage, he would have to go far to be as ill intentioned and dastardly as RFK, Jr. The Dworkin Report:

Bob is no visionary who is going to captivate the hearts and minds of America. There are no new compelling policies he brings to the table. Nothing different. Just a wannabe Trump with a MAGA-lite menu of catch phrases.

Bob is an egotistical blowhard who has no business running for anything in the first place. No qualifications. No experience. No track record.

And while at the moment Bob’s candidacy might seem to be attracting more Trump voters, his overall “plan” is clear: Try and trick Democrats into believing Bob is a legitimate alternative to Biden by using the Kennedy name—and the RFK moniker (which everyone should stop using).

So Sideshow Bob, we call on you to end your unwinnable charade of a campaign today.

To use the Kennedy name to attract votes away from Biden and to restore the worst president in the history of our nation to power is positively Satanic. Yet, that is exactly what one of his campaign execs announced that they were doing just the other day. This isn’t a third-party run, it’s a MAGA flank attack.

Trump toyed for a while with the idea of RFK, Jr. as his VP but his campaign people have vehemently opposed it and apparently he’s listening to them. Also Sideshow Bob has said he’s not interested. And probably that’s true. He just wants to see how much destruction he can mete out.

Here’s who he is.

Man, did the apple fall far from the tree this time. I have seen this before in families but seldom this glaring.

No Labels folded its tents recently. That was a tremendous relief. That also was a Dark Money spoiler campaign group. They, too, knew that they had no path to victory but that wasn’t the point. Splintering the Democratic vote was the point.

Mercifully, they’re gone. But RFK, Jr. if he splinters off even one or two percentage points, could destroy this country. And he’s happy to do so. That’s his plan. Jack and Bobby are rolling in their graves. What we have to do now is get out the Democratic vote like never before. 2024 is not an election about Democrat v. Republican, it’s about Good v. Evil.


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  1. THIS Kennedy is a republican, well magat, and anyone with any sense at all ought to realize it.
    This fool is from the party whose members were going to use this week (before “wiser” heads prevailed) to discuss the HOOHA act. Yep, like the slang term for a woman’s genitalia. These idiots sure do have an obsession with a woman’s vagina.

  2. He and Trump have so.much in common. Three marriages. Getting where they got because of family money and connections. Vaccine misinformation that caused a lot of deaths. Reak.gens


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