NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg entering the House of Representatives Chamber Floor

Progressive Caucus Withdraws Its Cringeworthy Letter To Biden Re: Ukraine ‘Olive Branch To A War Criminal’


Intraparty controversy is a bad idea at any time, but particularly two weeks before a crucial election. The letter which the Progressive Caucus sent to Joe Biden on Monday, encouraging him to seek a “diplomatic” solution to the war in Ukraine, was the proverbial turd in the punchbowl. Bells and whistles started sounding as soon as it was released and I could already hear the soundbites on Russian TV heralding this faux pas, which was already being described as an “olive branch to a war criminal.”

This was one of the dumbest things that a faction of the Democratic party has done to the detriment of the party as a whole in a very long time. As a matter of fact, I’m straining my memory to recall when something equally as offbeat or fruitless has taken place and I’m drawing a complete blank.

The only commendable thing about this is that the walk back was swift. It’s clumsy, but it’s swift. Pramila Jayapal is saying that the letter had been drafted several months ago and “released by staff without vetting.” That’s understandably what she could or would say but if it’s true, that comment undermines confidence in processes that we would like to have confidence in, to say the very least. Washington Post:

“As Chair of the Caucus, I accept responsibility for this,” Jayapal said in a statement. “The proximity of these statements created the unfortunate appearance that Democrats, who have strongly and unanimously supported and voted for every package of military, strategic, and economic assistance to the Ukrainian people, are somehow aligned with Republicans who seek to pull the plug on American support for President Zelensky and the Ukrainian forces.”

Earlier, several of the letter’s signatories also walked back their support for the letter, saying it was written months ago. Late Monday, Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) seemed to commiserate with someone critical of the letter on Twitter.

“Hear you. First, this was written in July & I have no idea why it went out now. Bad timing,” Pocan tweeted.

“Timing in diplomacy is everything,” Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-Calif.), one of the letter’s other signatories, tweeted Tuesday morning. “I signed this letter on June 30, but a lot has changed since then. I wouldn’t sign it today. We have to continue supporting Ukraine economically and militarily to give them the leverage they need to end this war.”

Some good news, however, and this is what we must focus on: The letter in no way represents the Democratic party as a whole. “We’re not going to have conversations with the Russian leadership without the Ukrainians being represented,” Biden spox John Kirby told reporters. “Mr. Zelensky gets to determine — because it’s his country — what success looks like and when to negotiate.” Charlie Sykes’ newsletter:

Far from shortening the war, I view it as a certainty that this letter will make its way to Russian state media within the next day or two as evidence of fracturing solidarity among politicians in Biden’s own party for his support of Ukraine.

It will further encourage Putin that his long-term strategy of keeping the war going until US domestic resolve breaks or a Putin-friendly politician wins the presidency is viable, and Russian propaganda media will work overtime to convince the public that it is viable….

The Progressive Caucus members thought they were trying to shorten the war. But if anything, they just prolonged it It was a baffling, severe foreign policy blunder that risks long-term consequences.

That was from Dante Atkins, a progressive “communicator and strategist” per his Twitter profile and it’s as succinct and realistic an appraisal as you’re going to find.

Naturally, what with the bad timing, the blunder presents an image of the proverbial cat herd of the Democratic party, going every which way. It wasn’t a good move. Let’s hope our adversaries don’t dwell on it and magnify it into something it’s not and first and foremost that would mean Vladimir Putin. It’s probably too late for that. The cat’s out of the bag.


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  1. IMO, this is “much ado, about NOTHING”, by the Corp’1% Media & some journalists, who don’t like “Progressives” in general! You have to remember, there are less than 5, actual Progressives in the DEMOCRATS, the DNC made sure of that, in the Primaries!

    • While true, remember who the opposition is. And what they will do to the rest of us, given enough of a chance. Then act accordingly.

  2. I really don’t believe the GOP will cut funding to Ukraine should they get control of congress.
    Since the bulk of that “aid” goes to the same defense contractors that also bribe the Dems.

  3. Perhaps this is not so bad after all.
    It gives the Ds “cover” to repeat and repeat and repeat the Repuke’s positions as so “admirably” stated by none other than cough gasp sneeze “Speaker” Kevin McCarthy of “future fame.” 🙂

  4. I am and have always been a progressive Democrat but I’ve been gobsmacked at the stupidity and lack of patience the Progressive Caucus has demonstrated since they got to Washington. Trying to change an intrenched system takes time, patience and perseverance.

    This compares to the “defund the police” crap that chips away a Democratic credibility. They need to grow up.

  5. I was a liberal in my teens, into my twenties and yes, during my time on active duty in the Marines. And I’ve been a liberal since. If anything I’ve gotten more so as I’ve gotten older. When it comes to this letter, even accepting the BULLSHIT that “it was drafted months ago and released by mistake” my reaction is WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS ASSHOLES?

    Putin’s armed forces have, on his orders committed war crimes from day one of this war. They’ve been committing them on Ukrainian soil for years before that.

    You DON’T Give In To A War Criminal.

    No “olive branches.”

    You beat their ass into submission. In this case we’ve got another country doing the fighting, bleeding and dying with all the attendant suffering and OUR side has dumbasses that think we need to go hat in hand to that murderous fuck Putin?

    I agree. The timing on this couldn’t be worse. Russia is already like a boxer on the canvass and OUR fucking people (some of them) have offered a hand to help it get back up. More people will DIE because of it. I’ve said many times war is awful, and should only be fought because its the least bad shitty option. THAT is the case in Ukraine. Putin has to be stopped. He and Russia need to go down – HARD.

    As far as I’m concerned any Democratic Representative who signed off on that letter should, once the election is over resign. And yes, I know some of them have done some good for the country and the Party. But this kind of damage? Each and every one of them needs to get their ass on a plane and tour those cities that Russia has targeted – WAR CRIMES. Visit the mass graves. Talk to the people, now increasingly in cold and darkness because Russia is also targeting power stations and even fresh, potable water is now in short supply!

    Our side still can experience shame. Those involved with this letter should stand in front of Zelinsky and Ukrainians have been wounded and have lost loved ones to this war and beg for forgiveness.

    • Well said Denis, in total agreement. No matter when this shameful letter was written, there’s no excuse or justification for its content.

      • I agree with you both. There’s always been apologists on the left, They can stay away until the war is over and peace has been secured and borders have been agreed on, When it’s time to discuss Russians War Reparations and trials scheduled for war crimes, maybe then they’ll be invited to participate, until then they should just shut up!

    • Bravo!
      And by the way, in an exact replica of this, those same people who tell Israel to make a deal with the Palestinians ENSURE (in exactly the same way) that Palestinians will NEVER have their own country. When progressives leave the Pals alone and tell them “you want a country? Negotiate with Israel. We’re not doing it for you!” THEN and ONLY THEN, might they have a chance.
      Exact same principals apply when dealing with war criminals like HAMAS!


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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead