Remember the famous hillbilly feud of the Hatfields and the McCoys? They were two families of moonshiners and Confederates but there was the occasional Union soldier in the bunch. “Feuding like the Hatfields and the McCoys,” is the description for any bitter rivalries, particularly ones that go on for generations.

Which leads us to our own culture war and Donald Trump. Now Trump boogeying in the corner has been added, that we can see. But what about the rest of it?

I have to be honest, I’m having trouble telling if this is parody or not. The first time I had that problem was when Ben Carson came on the scene. The man was so abysmally stupid, neurosurgeon or no neurosurgeon, that I almost cited a piece by Andy Borowitz about how Carson went looking for HUD in the Bible. Carson is that kind of a beyond parody character and so is this clip.

Now the irony here is that these people may be out in the Everglades in Florida, but if they just had some inherited wealth and could afford plastic surgery and gaudy clothes, they would be at Mar-a-Lago. Trump and his minions are, culturally speaking, trailer trash with cash.


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