Q: What’s the difference between a Trump rally and a Trump press conference?  A: The rallygoers are there by personal choice.

Actually, if you watch Trump as much as I do, you realize that isn’t much of a joke these days. Back in 2016 Trump was fond of bellowing out, Be Honest! Is there anything more fun than a Trump rally?! The answer to that question at a 2024 Trump rally would be, Yeah! A colonoscopy! 

Trump no longer has the fire. As much as his handlers like to rein Traitor Tot in on a teleprompter, if you’ve watched lately, there’s no appreciable difference between Trump zombie walking his way through a teleprompter speech, or Sleepy Don stumbling and fumbling his way through an unscripted rally rant. At least it’s nice to know that his Xanax prescription is still working.

Former FL GOP House member David Jolly said on MSNBC this morning that the Trump campaign of 2024 was The most incompetent, poorly run presidential campaign in modern history. And Jolly is right. Even when the Trump campaign tries to do something, they just can’t seem to help f*cking it up. To wit;

  • Stung by comments on his inactivity, His Lowness held a meandering one hour plus press conference today. Leave it to Trump. Twenty four hours in a day, and Trump has to pick the same hour as Harris is speaking, trying to step on her lines. Right. Which gave the Harris campaign a priceless free bonus of a split screen of reporters nodding off in front of Trump while UAW workers were screaming and chanting behind her
  • Trump blasted Harris for not holding her own unscripted appearances. Moron. Trump hadn’t been off the stage for 10 minutes when the Harris campaign released a fact check sheet the size of the proclamation the town crier reads from when the King orders all able bodied men to report with pikes and helmets to fight the evil Baron von Tronfahrt. By the looks of it, the only honest thing said was his name
  • Trump needs to hire more extras. For his running mate Beggar Vance that is. While Harris and Walz had some 12,000 massed together in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, did you catch the scan shots of Vance’s fly-in rally at the same airport? Sh*t. I’ve seen more parents tailgating before a Friday night lights game between two 0-8 teams
  • Today The Cook Report moved GA, AZ, and NV from Lean R to toss up. As I predicted, beggar Vance is now catching sh*t from the media for attacking Command Sargent Major Walz’s military service, when Vance himself spent his deployment safe as houses as a Public Information Officer
  • After bailing on  the September 10th debate on ABC, Trump now says he’ll be there, and wants two more debates on FUX News and NBC

But here’s the biggest takeaway of the day. I have written about this repeatedly before, but here we finally have empirical evidence of what I’ve been talking about. And it comes courtesy of Trump’s former White House Press Secretary, Anthony Scaramucci. As The Mooch pointed out on MSNBC today, Starting with Trump’s 2016 campaign, and running through to today, more than 20 million baby Boomers have gone off to their final rewards, and more than 40 million Gen-X’ers have been added to the voting rolls.

As I wrote last night, this is why Trump is flopping like a 1 hit wonder band going out on a reunion tour. The voting class of 2024 is younger, darker, better educated, more diverse, and more tolerant than their predecessors. And there is absolutely nothing in the MAGA movement that they agree with.

All the way back in 2013, the 2012 GOP Autopsy report pointed out that senescence was killing off the base, while younger voters joining had dropped to almost 0. And while Trump himself may still be alive, the acturial tables just killed his and his MAGA campaign just as surely as one of his 20 million supporters breathed their last breaths. 89 days.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. I am 85. Most of my friends are in their 60s. None of them would be caught dead at a Trump rally. I am.not sure that all the Xanax on the planet could keep.us from.vomiting and feeling g detached from reality, because HE is so.detached from reality. It is like ending up in “If This Goes On” by Robert Heinlein.


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