Actually I wasn’t that far off. I said yesterday that Trump would be cranky, snotty and surly. He’s certainly been that. And I also said that when asked open ended questions, Trump would wander off into the weeds with largely nonsensical responses that would be difficult for the prosecution to rebut. And he’s certainly done that.

To the point that the judge has finally had enough. Trump has given so many non responsive answers from the stand that not only has the judge admonished for dodging the questions, at one point he told Trump, This is a trial not a political rally. Just answer the question that was asked. before lunch the judge actually asked the defense attorneys id they wanted a five minute recess to rein in their client, because if he kept dodging the questions, when the judge deliberated the case, He would draw the maximum negative inferences from Trump’s refusal to give relevant responses. I told you he would play to his small donor base.

But here’s what I didn’t expect. I had predicted that Trump would push the envelope with the prosecutors, risking a couple of civil contempt citations in order to burnish his victimhood claims for his base.

Instead Trump went directly after the judge. In response to a fraud question, Trump lost his collective sh*t, You want to know what the real fraud is? This trial is the real fraud! That man on the bench is a real fraud! He’s never even met me, and he’s calling me a fraud. He’s calling me, my sons, and my company a fraud, and he hasn’t even heard our side yet! What’s going on in this courtroom is a disgrace! That’s like a batter with a 3-2 count with two outs in the bottom of the 9th telling the home plate umpire, If you call this pitch a strike, I’m gonna kick your ass!

But when he wasn’t busy being a total *sshole, Trump was really in the zone with his testimony, There were so many pearls of stupid from this particular swine that you could string them all together and make a cocktail necklace out of them. Such as;

  • Without actually admitting the total fabrication of his 5th Avenue apartment being 11,000 feet when he claimed it was 30,000 feet, Trump finally admitted that he might have overvalued the price of the apartment
  • However Trump continued to insist that the values of his Bedminster, Doral and Mar-A-Lago golf courses were actually undervalued. And the reason he gave for this wasn’t just a pearl, it was the Kohinoor Diamond, because
  • As Trump explained it, when you value a Trump property, you can’t just value the property. You also have to factor in the value of the Trump name! which is ridiculous on its face since
  • Back in 2017, after Trump became President, angry tenants and co-op owners started angrily storming management-tenant meetings, demanding that the property remove the Trump name, or they’d sue to break their leases since Trump’s name was killing the resale value of their places
  • But here’s my favorite. Trump claimed that it didn’t really matter what figures he put on the paper, he couldn’t be guilty of fraud because of a five word disclaimer he put on the bottom of every form. Do. Your. Own. Due. Diligence. Yeah. It’s like I don’t have time for all this paperwork bullsh*t. Here’s my best guess. You figure it out, and then come back and we’ll talk. But that’s the price I’m demanding

And here’s a late breaking example of Trump stupidity ala his legal team. Late today they advised the judge that they are filing a motion for a mistrial, based on the judge’s frequent interactions with his court law clerk. Yep, the same one the judge has already ordered both Trump as well as his attorneys to lay off of. This might just be the stupidest motion for mistrial in New York legal history.

Here’s why. After hearing that, a lawyer with extensive experience practicing law in New York said that she could only describe the Trump team’s obsession with this law clerk as bizarre. New York state law actually provides for in court communications between the judge and the law clerk, that’s why their desk sits next to the judge. No lawyer in good standing would listen to those conversations as they’re privileged. But because of one Instagram photo of this clerk with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, she is now some kind of legal Manchurian Candidate in Trump’s sick twisted mind.

I will close with this. I have way more time on my hands to do deep dives on this sh*t because unlike me, you all have actual lives and careers and stuff. So from everything I’ve been able to gather and absorb, here’s my take. This case isn’t about property valuations or even fraud. At its core it’s about pure, craven stupidity.

Twenty years ago when I sold my house in Illinois to move out here, the real estate agent fixed the value at $129,900. Maybe it was really only worth $119,900, or $135,000. who knows. I do know that my realtor raised the price because my place was a definite fixer-upper, and my location was red hot with people looking to flip houses, buy them cheap, rehab them and resell them for a profit. All I know is that I got my asking price in three days. In cash.

But what my property most certainly was not was that it wasn’t worth $2,799,497! And that’s what the New York Attorney General is alleging, and apparently has the receipts. These stupid sh*ts were inflating the actual value of the property by 23 fold! Hell, if I had dug my heels in I might have gotten $150,000. But $2,800,000?! And here’s the McGuffin. The imbeciles were actually cobbling up paperwork to prove it! That’s just begging to get caught, and the only thing I can’t figure out is why it took this long?

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. It seems like he’s arguing whether they commited fraud, when that’s already been decided. I’m thinking that’s where the stupid started and has only continued in that vein.

  2. Donald Trump is a flaming moron. Just because of the fact that he himself is a totally self contained egomaniac with a purely transactional nature, he thinks everybody else is too. Whenever Trump has a problem, his attention is fixated on solving that problem, no matter how shortsighted that solution could be to him down the road. And once he’s made whatever correction is necessary, he immediately forgets all about it. And because Trump thinks that everybody else is just like him, they’ve all forgotten about it too.

    • Psychopaths assume everyone is just like them and would be as openly self a centered and would do whatever they wanted if they weren’t just big p*ssies. They believe we only pretend to care about other people and morality and decency are fabrications.

  3. Sold my parents home for about 220K cash. Saw it listed around 360k after they fixed it up. sounds about right to me. After putting my name on it they should have listed at 5.5 bajilian dollars. old grey dude


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