Tell me who you admire and I’ll tell you who you are. Casey DeSantis has gone on record as admiring Melania Trump. She admires Mrs. I Really Don’t Care, Do U? Incredible. For me that’s the final nail in the Casey coffin. If she’s that shallow and stupid, I hope she and Ron go down in flames even faster than they already are. Yahoo Entertainment:

While touring Iowa, a crucial state for her husband’s campaign, she discussed some of the insults that have been hurled her way. “They call you, like, Walmart Melania, which, by the way, if I’m in the same sentence with Melania, that’s a win for me,” she said at an event on Saturday, via Florida Politics. Casey finds the nickname a compliment because she is an avid Walmart shopper. “You know how quickly our kids grow out of clothes when they’re six, five, and three,” she noted in reference to her three children, Madison, Mamie, and Mason.

Casey has been accused of trying to be more of a “Melania lite” when it comes to her wardrobe choices — outfits that are more “aspirational” than “elitist.” Melania wore couture fashions in the White House that were outside of the average American’s household budget, so Casey looks to level that playing field. One campaign strategy she won’t be following is Melania’s absence from Donald Trump’s events. Casey is 100% committed to Ron’s run for president even if his road to the Republican Party nomination is a rough one right now.

I don’t know if “rough” is the descriptor I would use. Humiliating, tragic, misguided, mismanaged, botched. Those are the descriptors I would use.

And as Kate Andersen Brower noted to SheKnows, Casey’s approach to the supportive wife is much more Nancy Reagan than Melania. The author of First Women: The Grace and Power of America’s Modern First Ladies believes that Casey “is filling that more stereotypical wife, mother, and advisor [role].” Brower added, “She reminds me a bit of Nancy Reagan. She’s his biggest protector. He’s the governor of a major, important state.” So, maybe Casey’s critics need to take a look at a history book and see whose playbook she’s really taking a page from.

It’s good to know that if, God forbid, Ron and Casey were ever in the White House, that if Ron developed Alzheimer’s, Casey has Nancy’s playbook. The only tips we know about are giving the president nuts to feed the squirrels, filling up his jelly bean dish and be sure to consult the astrologer. It’s too bad Roy Cohn is long dead, Nancy used to consult him, too. About what, we’re afraid to speculate, but Cohn boasted that he was friends with Nancy Reagan.

Silly us, we thought that “Republican Camelot” referred to Jack and Jackie, only with Republicans, but their idea of a magical era is Ron and Nancy. Although I must say, that figures.

Listen, Casey, maybe you need to get Ron a few starring roles in grade-Z movies. How about Ron DeSantis in the remake of Bedtime For Bonzo? And Donald Trump, Jr., can play the chimp. What do you say? That’ll jump start his campaign, get laughs all over the world at the very least. Ron DeSantis, bringing joy to billions, through the magic of motion pictures.

Somebody get Michael Reagan on the phone, he’ll die laughing when he hears this, is my bet.

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    • I think Romper Room is the more adequate comparison. Ron and Casey are boring people. Caligula was a degenerate but at least he knew ho to throw a party. I doubt if they do.

  1. I think this might play well in the red states unless they feel she is talking down to them. Granted, she won’t be governing but I cannot believe the yokels in the hootervilles in the flyover states would not like this.

    Jackie played well in the early 60’s. These are not those times. Now crass and cheap (think kardasians and that ilk) are not impediments to fame, fortune, power.


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