It will be interesting to see if other media outlets pick up on this. This is not unlikely, what you’re about to read, especially considering the press that this issue of Trump’s unique smell has already gotten. Donald Trump reportedly smells really awful and those rumors have been around since The Apprentice. He smells like hair product, chemicals, and he allegedly has a more toxic stench to him. Listen to this guarded report and decide what you think. We go out of our way around here not to post fake news and so with that caveat, I share this.

If this is real I am going to assume that at some point the judge will do something about it. Or, maybe the judge won’t. Maybe the judge will figure that the people seated closest to Trump are his highly paid criminal defense lawyers and so they can deal with their client or not deal with their client. Like so many things, this is a case of first impression and there is no rule book for it.

I’m going to have to stop here. I have covered Trump’s foibles since 2016. It has only gotten worse. Now, the conversation is literally in the sewer. Trump was going to drain the swamp and he has taken us right up to this level of bodily wastes and stench. It is just too much for my soul at this point. I never wanted to get to know this guy and now we’re all getting to know things about him that we would simply prefer not to.

I am praying that the men and women who were chosen for the jury can find it in themselves to honestly analyze the evidence that is presented before them and to make rational decisions based upon that evidence. I am also hoping that some MAGA spoiler didn’t manage to get in.

If you were watching social media the few days before jury selection you would have seen MAGAs encouraging potential jurors to deliver a hung jury “just on principle.” Whether that will happen is anybody’s guess.

We can only go through this process. The Washington Post is reporting that yes, Trump appears to be dozing off again. Nobody is reporting about stink, that I can find, but Forbes has a post up about Trump sleeping as well.

Now let me make this abundantly clear: just because the MSM isn’t reporting it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. When Ron DeSantis was walking around in his boots with the inserts and the heels, that wasn’t reported on by MSM either, although it was blatantly obvious that the man had grown in height about four inches. This I saw with my own eyes and we shared it here.

MSM didn’t report on DeSantis’ makeup, either, even though that was blatantly obvious. Again, we saw that with our own eyes. So I would not be surprised one bit if the Washington Post or other blue chip outlets would not want to report on Trump’s passing gas. Except for this: there’s an old Journalism 101 meme that says, “If one person says it’s raining and another person says it’s sunny, it’s not your job to get a bunch of quotes. It’s your job to open the fucking window and see if it’s raining.” It is some reporter’s job to get close enough to Donald Trump and see if he stinks. Literally.

Man. To even live in a day and age and environment when these are the images that I’m translating into illuminated pixels and posted on the internet. God help us all. We have hit bottom for sure.

Except there is always a lower bottom in Trump world. That is the primary principle of Trump world, there is no low they won’t go. Including making a toilet and a nursing home out of a criminal courts building in Manhattan.


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  1. Trump farting his way through sitting at the table? He’s turning into Rudy G right before our eyes. (And ears. Even worse noses/sense of smell)

  2. Well sane folks know/knew he was full of 💩 … but I guess it was too much to hope he took care of bizness.😂 Darth poopy pants, or lord flatulence…

  3. Afraid I have to argue with Mr Conway but I have NEVER heard anyone rhyme “flatulent” and “fraudulent”–unless they were affecting a British RP accent. (If going by just the final two syllables, maybe, but it’s a weak rhyme at best. I mean, Conway’s logic could mean “corpulent” would be a rhyme as well.)


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