Apparently, things aren’t going too well this morning in the House caucus meeting, and that’s a bad sign for the GOP, given that they’re not even really warmed up yet. Wait until they’re tired or a couple of drinks down later in the day. From CNN’s Melanie Zanona:

Things getting heated in House GOP meeting. McCarthy swore in his speech, dropping a “god damnit.” And he made clear he would negotiate no more. McCarthy also said opponents came to him with “personal asks” last night. Lauren boebert yelled in response to speech: “BULL SHIT”

It is going to be a long day.

And one more, then below:

Kevin McCarthy wants the speakership so badly that he journeyed down to Florida to see the man that he hated, utterly hated, and likely still does to kiss the ring. How would you feel if you honestly believed that a crowd may break in and essentially tear you from limb to limb (Plus, McCarthy couldn’t know that they weren’t armed, he had likely already heard a gunshot), and he calls the man responsible and here’s an uncaring voice say only; “Well, Kevin, it sounds like they’re more upset at the results of the election than you.”

*I have fantasies of McCarthy answering Trump’s statement with: “Well, I’m sure that’s true, given that the guy I voted for won!”

As I said, this is going to be a hellish day. In the end, it’s almost certain that McCarthy will win. The question is, how much power does he have to give up to get there? Does he have to give Gaetz and Boebert the gavels of the Ways and Means Committee and the Judiciary Committee? That is near where things stand right now. It is hard to tell how committed these five to twelve are (There are more than five backing up Gaetz, they’re not quite out of the closet yet.)

Anyway. It’s early, and the fireworks are set and going off. The question is whether the punches will be thrown later as everyone gets tired. Would you like to spend the day hearing Boebert yell, “Bullsh*t!” or McCarthy in charge, “God Damit!” ??
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: IT WAS THE VACCINE CLOT! MAGAS STILL ENDANGERING LIVES (On last night’s football injury, they think it’s the vaccine.)

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  1. We are about to hear some ultimate irony – when the words “The House will come to order” are spoken. It’s looking like order is the last thing that will happen. Hope everyone is stocked up on popcorn.

  2. Well, if Bobo the Clown has been putting efforts into unifying the ‘pube party, it goes a long way to explaining why things are soooo fucked up now.

  3. I’d say one of McCarthy’s major problems right now is how he’s going to allocate the chair of the Judiciary Committee to 6 different people!
    😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣

  4. Sorry, Jason, but by this point of the day, it should be obvious that nothing is certain. To quote one of my favorite first person shooters Blood 2, “Your bad day is about to get worse.”


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